RAC Bulletin 2015-09-26
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 26, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. WRC-15 and 5 MHz (60m) The S.A.R.L. reports a European Common Proposal (ECP) for an allocation of 100 kHz at 5350-5450 kHz has now been accepted This was a hard fought proposal with 7 abstentions and 5 against. It is now up to the African block to support the agenda item at WRC which starts in Geneva, Switzerland on 2 November. Source: South African Radio League (SARL) http://www.sarl.org.za/ The WRC 2015 Agenda and Relevant Resolutions can be downloaded from http://www.itu.int/go/wrc-15 -- Southgate Amateur Radio News ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 2. Ontario S.E.T. Scheduled for October 7, 2015 The Simulated Emergency Test is a North America-wide exercise in emergency communications, administered by the ARRL and the RAC Emergency Coordinators and Net Managers. Both the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and the National Traffic System (NTS) are involved. The SET weekend gives communicators the opportunity to focus on the emergency-communications capability within your community, while interacting with NTS nets. RAC administers our Canadian SETs. Among other objectives we aim to strengthen the relationship between ARES and served municipalities and relief agencies. It is vitally important that this be done at the local EC level. for more details see -- http://wp.rac.ca/welcome/simulated-emergency-test/ -- RAC Website ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. South Sandwich/South Georgia DXpedition Dates Announced The Intrepid DX Group has announced its itinerary and operating schedule for its January 2016 South Sandwich/South Georgia VP8SGI/VP8STI DXpedition. South Sandwich Islands is No 3 on ClubLog’s Most Wanted DXCC List; South Georgia is No 8. "We expect to arrive at South Sandwich on January 17, dependent on the weather and sea conditions." The team will spend 10 days on South Sandwich, operating as VP8STI before sailing to South Georgia Island to start operations as VP8SGI about February 1. -— Thanks to the Intrepid DX Group 4. Ham Radio Team Supports Road Race Using High-Speed Mesh Network Radio Amateurs in Utah have made use of a broadband ham radio mesh network to support a public event. A group of ham radio volunteers set up a high-speed broadband ham net mesh network in the rugged mountains of northern Utah to provide communication along the final 30 miles of the September 11-12 Wasatch 100 Mile Mountain Endurance Race. Other hams covered the first 70 miles of the race using more conventional technology, including FM voice and packet. BBHN MESH uses ordinary Wi-Fi technology on Amateur Radio frequencies, which meant the mesh network was able to cover a considerable amount of real estate, even in the challenging mountainous environment. The group employed TeamTalk software for race communications. -- ARRL News Letter This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control. ===================================================================== Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager Posted by: Paul Caccamo