2017 Mattawa River Canoe Race - Update
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Hi everyone; its a week to go before the race, and we are calling for a couple more volunteers.
Some of our long term volunteers are unable to attend, so we need volunteers for checkpoint 1.
The bonus for checkpoint 1 is that you are first to clear so you should be done around noon.
If you want to hang in for the free evening meal, feel free, but should you wish to depart after
the sweep arrives, that is OK too.
We need someone with cross band repeat capability, as the race checkpoint is not located in an
area where there is good RF coverage to the Mattawa repeater. (That point is about a half km away).
So if you can help out, contact Bill VE3TGI or myself VA3PC.
The briefing will be at Symour Tim Hortons next Saturday morning bright and early.
Thanks in advance.
Paul VA3PC