Run Off the Grid - Saturday, Sep 20, 2017
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Run-Off-the-Grid is this Saturday, Sept 30, 2015.
This is an event that truly needs us as there is no other means of communication onsite, no cell service.
I will be unable to attend this year due to a commitment out of town.
We would love to see more volunteers since we are going to be operating with minimum radio crew for this event.
Please bring a lunch as this has been difficult in the past logistically. Dinner will be served at the start/finish. It is catered by gd2go , and is always very, very good!
Please dress appropriately for the forecast weather. Also, our hosts have encouraged an extremely environmental event and as such request that we bring our own mess kits for dinner. Plate, bowl, cup and utensils please :)
Signed up so far are:
If I missed someone who volunteered at the meeting or if you would like to add your name to this fun event please sign up on the website or contact Paul in my absence.
Currently the plan is as follows:
0700’ish - Meet at Tim's on Seymour
0730’ish - Depart for Nature’s Harmony
0815 - Arrival at Nature's harmony
0830 - Disperse to checkpoints to setup
0900 - First runners start
Frequencies: (Repeater is not available at all checkpoints, please be prepared to operate Simplex for the event)
146.520 Primary onsite frequency
147.150 (+) VE3NBR Repeater for Mattawa area portion of travel to and from
147.030 (+) VE3ERX Repeater for North Bay area portion of travel to and from
This is a great opportunity to test your equipment in a ‘make or break’ scenario with no other form of backup communication available.
Chris VA3CMX