RAC Bulletin 100410
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 10, 2010
1. CANWARN Training, April 24
CANWARN training will be offered in Orillia on Saturday, April 24th,
9 a.m., at the Highwayman Inn, 201 Woodside Drive.
If you plan to attend a CANWARN session, please confirm by email to
canwarn.ontarioregion (at) ec.gc.ca.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
2. Laurentian Net Seeks Net Controllers
The Laurentian Net is looking for operators to serve as Net Control
Stations. A controller is needed every other Sunday evening, and a
list of alternates is needed for days when the scheduled NCS can't be
available. The Laurentian Net meets every evening on 3.755 MHz at
6:45 pm Eastern Time. If you can assist, please contact Shawn VE3PSV
Saturdays on the Laurentian Net, or via NTS messsage.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, Net Manager
3. International Marconi Day
April 24th is the date of the 23rd International Marconi Day, a
24-hour amateur radio event celebrating Marconi's birthday. It is not
a contest -- it is an opportunity for amateurs around the world to
make point-to-point contact with historic Marconi sites using only HF
communications. For more information visit www.gb4imd.org.uk
-- RSGB News
4. Ontario HST and RAC Renewals
As of July 1st, the Harmonized Sales Tax will be fully implemented in
Ontario, adding 8% to the cost of RAC membership. HST Transition
Rules mean that as of May 1st, RAC will have to collect HST on the
portion of the membership that is after July 1st. For one-, two-, or
three-year renewals before May 1st, RAC only collects GST (5%)
instead of the HST (13%).
-- RAC Blog