RAC Bulletin 100508
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 8, 2010
1. Global Simulated Emergency Test
The Global SET will be held on May 15, 2010 from 0400-0800 UTC. To
review the rules and list of participating stations, visit
tinyurl.com/37c4brg (Three Seven Charlie Four Bravo Romeo Golf). If
you plan to participate in the May exercise, please e-mail Doug
Mercer VO1DTM to register.
Another Global SET is tentatively scheduled for November 13, 2010
from 1100-1500 local. This will be confirmed during GAREC this
-- via Doug Mercer, VO1DTM, RAC VP Field Services
2. Girl Guides Special Event Station
Guiding Canada will be celebrating their 100th Anniversary on May
15th with a Canada-wide Rally. Over 6000 Guides and leaders will
attend the Toronto venue at Ontario Place. The Emergency Management
Ontario Radio Group will be setting up a Guides On The Air (GOTA)
Station, call sign VE3EMO, operating on 14.140 MHz -/+ and on
the Ontario Public Service Reflector 9035. All stations are invited
to join us in this special celebration from 10:00 am to 4:00pm on May
Over venues in Ontario include Thunder Bay & Sudbury.
-- Jim Taylor, VA3KU, EMO Amateur Radio Program Coordinator
3. New EC for Orangeville / Dufferin
A new Emergency Co-ordinator has been selected to represent
Orangeville and Dufferin County. Alex Giger, VE3LFJ has accepted the
appointment effective May 5th, and will be working closely with Brad
Rodriguez VE3RHJ DEC for Bruce District to develop emergency
communications planning and public service leadership for Orangeville
and the surrounding area of Dufferin County.
The Ontario ARES team welcomes Alex to this position with recent RAC
membership and also being the latest appointed ARES Official in the
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario ARES SEC
4. LM Contest Log Software
LM is a program to "post process" contest logs. LM allows you to
edit your log after the contest, enter a paper log, and convert logs
between many different file formats. This is handy if you are using
a general-purpose logging program that produces ADIF files, and you
need to submit Cabrillo format files to the contest. LM is freeware
and can be downloaded from www.contestsoftware.com
-- ARRL Contest Update