2010 Summer in the Park Report
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This year the command post handled 25 occurrences broken down as follows:
Facilitiy - 7
Security - 5
Medical - 2
Policing - 1
General - 2
Lost Child - 4
Separation - 4
Separation includes "found children" that have misplaced their parents.
The "Lost Child" occurrence type is reserved for parents or caregivers reporting a child has gone missing.
There were 10 primary command post volunteers that put in approximately 225 hours of time including setup on the days before,
during, and teardown after the event. In callsign order they were: Henry KD8LWV, Bruce VA3BDR, Chris VA3CMX, Doug VA3DLJ, Howard VE3GMG, Jim VE3KAN, Drew VE3MAF, Dan VE3YUI, and Pam Hunt (Student). I hope I didn't forget anyone - if so slap me with a piece of RG58.
Thanks to Keeling VE3XKB for the help leading up to the event.
73, Paul, VA3PC