RAC Bulletin 110820
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 20, 2011
1. Parks Canada Special Prefix
From September 1st to October 31st, Canadian amateurs are authorized
to use the following special event prefixes, to commemorate the
Centennial of Parks Canada, the world's first National Parks
Service: CF for VA, CG for VE, CH for VO, and CI for VY.
-- RAC Special Events Database
2. Seaway-Capital ARES Activities
In July, the Ottawa ARES group tested all EMRG/Ottawa ARES Repeaters
plus the Winlink VHF node, VHF BBS and club-owned repeater VE2CRA.
On June 11th and 12th, the Lanark North Leeds ARES group supported,
the annual Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour organized by the Ottawa Bicycle
Club. On both days, the hams established a Net Control at Westport
Hill and co-ordinated with other amateur radio groups in the Ottawa
and Kingston areas to provide end-to-end support for over 2000
registered riders.
The Renfrew County West ARES group have installed a packet/voice
system in the Red Cross building in Pembroke. Packet and voice comms
have been tested through PTALEX/VA3RBW in Pt. Alexander, PEM/VE3NRR
in Pembroke and FOY/VE3UCR in Foymount. The radio and TNC have backup
power, and can be used as a PBBS for Pembroke-centered events.
-- Mike Hickey, VE3IPC, District EC
3. EmComm East, September 25
The 2011 EmComm East Amateur Radio Emergency Communications
Conference will be held Sunday, September 25th, at St. John Fisher
College in Rochester, New York. The featured speaker will be ARRL
Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager Mike Corey, W5MPC.
EmComm East is an ARRL-sanctioned conference, sponsored by Monroe
County ARES. For more information visit www.emcommeast.org.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
4. Field Day Logs Posted
A record 2654 submissions have been received for Field Day 2011. The
list of logs is posted online at www.arrl.org/logs-received. This
includes all logs submitted via the www.b4h.net website, as well as
those submitted via e-mail and US Mail.
Please check that your log is present. If your listing is missing,
please contact ARRL Field Day Manager Dan Henderson by email, n1nd
(at) arrl.org. If your log is marked as a "Checklog", that means
some required information is missing, so please contact Kathy Allison
by email, ka1rwy (at) arrl.org. All problems must be resolved by
Wednesday, August 31.
-- ARRL Web
5. Heathkit Returns to the Kit Business
After 19 years' absence, Heathkit is re-entering the electronics kit
business. A notice on their web site, www.heathkit.com, says that
their first kit will be an ultrasonic Garage Parking Assistant. Next
on the market will be a Wireless Swimming Pool Monitor.
Although there's no indication that Heathkit Educational Systems is
planning to reenter the Amateur Radio market, their web site says
"Heathkit is interested in learning what types of products kit
builders would like to build."
-- ARRL Web