RAC Bulletin 110903
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for September 3, 2011
This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin
1. Kitchener-Waterloo 2 Metre Net
The Kitchener-Waterloo Wednesday night 2 metre net meets every
Wednesday at 7 p.m. local time, on the VE3KSR repeater, 146.970 (-),
131.8 Hz tone. All amateurs are welcome to check in. Please join
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV
2. Ontario Swap Shop Changes
After 48 years, the Ontario Swap Shop has ceased its weekly 80m and
40m nets, and now appears exclusively on the Internet. To better
serve on-line users, the Ontario Swap Shop has merged with the
Kitchener-Waterloo Amatuer Radio Club interactive swap shop. Please
visit that web page, www.kwarc.org/swapshop, for new listings. The
old web page, www.ontarioswapshop.com, will not be updated, but will
be readable for several more weeks.
-- Ontario Swap Shop
3. TFMCS Annual Picnic
The Toronto FM Communications Society will hold its Annual General
Meeting and Family BBQ on Sunday, September 18, at the VE3RPT
repeater site at Skyloft Ski Resort in Uxbridge Meeting at 10 am, BBQ
at 12 noon. For more information visit www.tfmcs.com
-- Ontario Swap Shop
4. Jamboree on the Air
The 2011 Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) will be held 15-16 October, and
this year's theme is "Peace, Environment and Natural Disasters".
This is an excellent opportunity to raise the awareness for the role
of the Amateur Radio Service in disaster situations. Information
about the event is available at tinyurl.com/jota2011
-- IARU Region 2 News
5. Handiham EMCOMM Exercise released for general use
The 2011 Handiham Radio Camp emergency communications exercise has
been published for anyone to use. Written by ARRL EMA Section
Manager Phil Temples, K9HI, it includes a master script for the
moderator, and a series of envelopes opened by the participants at
specified times. The exercise is designed to run in under two hours.
Download the documents in Word format from the Handiham website at
www.handiham.org/node/1189 . And please give Phil, K9HI, and the
Handiham System credit.
-- Handi-Ham News