RAC Bulletin 111008

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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for October 8, 2011
1. CFARS Activation for Nunavut
RCMP National Operations Centre Ottawa has requested the activation
of the CFARS network in support of a loss of communications in
Iqaluit, Nunavut and elsewhere in Northern Canada.
Amateurs who are not CFARS members are asked to monitor 14.140 MHz
and 7.080 MHz. Please keep those frequencies clear for possible
health and welfare traffic.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. RAC Insurance Program for 2012
Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to announce that the RAC
Insurance Program will be available again in 2012, with increased
coverages at no increase in rates. The Program provides several
types of coverage including liability insurance for Club activities,
and equipment loss/damage coverage for Affiliated Clubs and their
RAC members. Complete details of the 2012 RAC Insurance Program and
how to apply for or renew coverage can be found on the RAC website
at www.rac.ca/insurance2012
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. New RAC Office Administrator
After an extensive search, Radio Amateurs of Canada has recruited
Frank Greene as Office Administrator. Frank comes to RAC with an
extensive management and business background. His mission is to
provide exemplary service to our members. Don't hesitate to contact
Frank when an issue arises.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. AO-51 for JOTA
The AO-51 Command Team is happy to announce support of the Scouting
Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) during the weekend Oct. 15-16. The
AO-51 satellite will remain in its current configuration, with an
understanding that contacts involving Scouts will be given first
priority during this period.
The current operating mode of AO-51 is as follows:
Uplink: 145.880 MHz FM (No PL tone)
Downlink: 435.150 MHz FM
-- AMSAT News Service
5. Special Event Station VA3IF
From November 5 to 11, the Guelph Amateur Radio Club will operate
special event station VA3IF at the birthplace of Lieutenant Colonel
John McCrae in Guelph. John McCrae was the author of the poem "In
Flanders Fields." The special event station, in honour of peace and
remembrance, will operate from the McCrae House Museum on 10m, 15m,
20m, 40m and 80 m, as well as IRLP, node 2260.
-- via RAC Bulletin Service