11-03 (March 9th) Meeting Report
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The NBARC March meeting was held Wednesday March 9th at the OPP Comm Centre and called to order about 1945ET by Bill VA3SPT. The following members were in attendance; VA3PC VE3YO KD8LWV VE3MAA VE3GMG VA3CMX (incorrectly reported as VE3CMX in original report) VA3BDR VA3SPT VA3WAC VA3DLJ VE3YUI VE3MAF.
TREASURER: More than last month.
NETS: 2 Mtr is still running Monday Mornings. We are trying a trial 0700-0730 as there are very few contacts after 0730. Unfortunately I have to report Dave's wife Jean passed away last week. Our thoughts are with Dave. 80 Mtr net is running as normal 0930 Sundays.
REPEATERS: VE3ERX is healthier. Paul changed the PA's. Time will be readjusted when Paul gets back out to the site. He still doesn't have the updated time standard. VE3NFM still U/S.
ECHOLINK/IRLP: Still working as normal.
WEBSITE: Nothing new to report.
ARES: Nothing new
HAMFESTS. Brampton March 26th. Gerry and Doug are going. There are a couple of seats available if anyone is interested. Contact Gerry VE3YO (705) 472-4099 or jogira@yaknet.ca .
Durham Regional April 16th. I'm not sure how many seats are available but I'll put out something when I know. For more check the RAC website.
CONTEST CLUB. Nothing new.
RAC. Paul read a monthly report from VE3XT Bill Unger. RAC is still trying to get the distracted driving regulations to have us exempted permanently. Insurance has been submitted. Just awaiting response.
EVENTS. Nothing new.
OLD BUSINESS. Donated equipment. Our newested licenced hams Chris and Mary Jane were the lucky hams. Chris VE3CMX gets the HF equipment and Mary Jane VE3MJI gets the VHF equipment. Thank you letters will be sent. Thanks to Gerry VE3YO for his work in cataloguing everything.
SOTA. Henry has been volunteered as Northern Ontario Regional Coordinator. Keep watch for more. We are looking at a few special club events. we are thinking of picking a contest or two to operate from different locations and have a picnic/social event at the same time.
New Business. Nothing New.
Paul had show and tell. About self support tower that lost self support.
Paul, Bruce and a couple of others have been meeting for dinner on meeting nights at various restaurants. Watch the April Meeting reminder for the location of the restaurant. All are welcome. If you have a special restaurant let us know at nbarc@ciinet.org .
Our next meeting is Wednesday April 13th 2011.
REMINDER... DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME starts this Sunday March 13th. Set your clocks AHEAD before going to bed Saturday.
73/ Drew VE3MAF