1401 - NBARC January 8, 2014 Meeting Notice
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Well, we have made it through another year. I hope Santa was good to you. It is time for The NBARC January meeting. It is in a week January 8th 2014 at the OPP RHQ Community Boardroom - 911A Gormanville Rd. North Bay. The doors will open about 1915ET (dependent upon when we finish dinner). Here is how to get there if you need it. http://www.ve3nbc.ca/content/meeting-location-2013.
If you got something neat from Santa feel free to bring it and 'Show and Tell'. There will be the usual reports.
Dinner this month will be at Joey's Only 180 Shirreff Ave, North Bay, at 1800ET. First person there get a table for 8.
Come out and have some fellowship. See you there.
73/Drew VE3MAF