1402 - February 12, 2014 Meeting Report
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NBARC February 12, 2014 meeting report.
Called to order 1941.
Correspondence: Cheque from LOTR. August 16, 2014 this year.
Peter Kimbell June 5 Thursday 2014 CANWARN. Time and location to be announced.
Treasurer: Cheque from LOTR. $450.00.
New Hams: Have a number of prospects. Discussion on training set-up. Looking at students get books to do some self study and then a weekend class/review/test. Discussion followed. Contact Bruce for more. brucer@vianet.ca .
Net: 80M net. Still going ok 8-10 check-ins.
Repeaters: Still working OK. Nothing new on the real time clock.
ECHOLINK/IRLP: Still working OK.
Website: Had a problem last month with spam. Paul still working on getting the mess cleaned up. Otherwise working well.
ARES: EC Bill Gibson has expressed interest. Will be getting the paperwork started soon. Bill Silver to become AEC. EOC Scribe training March 24 or 25 2014. Bill Gibson to take the course. NBARC to cover his cost. Bruce and Drew also going to attend at their own cost.
Hamfest: HAM-EX Brampton. March 22, 2014. There are 2 spare seats. If you want to come drop me a line ve3maf@gmail.com or meet us at Timmy's Lakeshore and Marshall at 0500ET. We will be back around 1600ET.
RAC: 60M has been approved. See the RAC website for more.
Events: Patrick4Life, SITP, LOTR, Mattawa Canoe Race. Triathlon
Old business: Field day. June 28,29. Lori gave update. Will basically be the same as last year. Bill is busy. Lori is looking for a some more help. She is also looking for volunteers. More at the March meeting.
CREST. Russ VE3CZ sent in a patch. Bruce presented a couple of designs. The designs will be posted to the website. More at the March meeting. Any other designs send to Paul va3pc@ciinet.org .
New Business: nil
Adjourned. 2050.
73/Drew VE3MAF