1403 - March 12, 2014 Meeting Reminder
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It is time for The NBARC March meeting. It is in a week March 12th 2014 at the OPP RHQ Community Boardroom - 911A Gormanville Rd. North Bay. The doors will open about 1915ET (dependent upon when we finish dinner). Here is how to get there if you need it. http://www.ve3nbc.ca/content/meeting-location-2013.
I would like to tell you that spring is just around the corner but it seems the corner keeps moving further away or so the weather people keep saying.
We have a couple of old business items from last month.
Field Day is June 28th/29th 2014 this year. Lori is looking for volunteers.
Bruce posted a copy of our proposed crest to the website. If the link in the bulletin didn't work try this. http://www.ve3nbc.ca/content/nbarc-club-crest-jacket-discussed-feb-meeti... and click on the .pdf the file listed. If you have any other designs or suggestions send them to either Bruce brucer@vianet.ca or nbarc@ve3nbc.ca.
HAM-EX Brampton. March 22, 2014. There are 2 spare seats. If you want to come drop me a line ve3maf@gmail.com reply to this bulletin or meet us at Timmy's Lakeshore and Marshall at 0500ET. We will be back around 1600ET.
In February there was some discussion on a training set-up for prospective hams. Contact Bruce for more. brucer@vianet.ca .
There will be the usual reports.
Dinner this month will be at Swiss Chalet on Algonquin. The first person there get a table for 8.
If you have any other agenda items please send them to nbarc@ve3nbc.ca.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
73/Drew VE3MAF