1412 - NBARC Christmas Party 2014 Reminder
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Tuesday December 2nd 2014 at Guido and Arlene's 2195 Trout Lake, North Bay,
the corner of Trout Lake Road and the by-pass. As well as the parking out front,
there is parking on the side and the back of the building
Meet and greet at 1800ET. Dinner at 1830ET. Because they are not normally
opened for supper, we would be the only people there.
As far as I know the meal is $16.95 (the same as last year). Tip would be extra.
Pasta, meatballs, AND oven-roasted chicken vegetables, oven-roasted potato,
salad, dessert (Nova Scotia cake VERY good) served with whipped cream, tea or
As far as I know the meal is $16.95 (the same as last year). Tip would be extra.
Pasta, meatballs, AND oven-roasted chicken vegetables, oven-roasted potato,
salad, dessert (Nova Scotia cake VERY good) served with whipped cream, tea or
We also need numbers of attendees. Please reply to this newsletter or send an
e-mail to mailto:ve3nbc@ve3nbc.ca and let us know how many are coming.
If you could respond with the number of attendees ASAP so we can pass along
the info in a timely manner.
Don't forget. This replaces our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. There
WILL NOT be a meeting December 10th. Our next regular meeting will be
Wednesday January 14th 2015.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
73/Drew VE3MAF