1503 - NBARC March 11th 2015 Meeting Minutes

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In Attendance were: VE3YO, VE3MAA, VA3BDR, VA3PC, VE3MAF, VA3CMX, VE3GMG, VA3SPT
Called to order at 1930ET
Correspondence: Received our Certificate of Insurance.
Treasurer: balance: $4212.98 Petty Cash $165.25
80M net. March 1- 9 check-ins. March 8 - 8 check-ins.
Repeaters: Doing well. Lot of maintenance at VE3NFM after the snow goes.
IRLP/Echolink: nothing new.
Website: Migrated to new hardware. No major problems.
ARES: CEMPC meeting. Bill and Paul attended.
Trailer: Trillium website under construction.
Hamfests: HAMEX March 28th in Brampton.
Contest club: No news.
RAC News: Nothing new.
Old Business: CANWARN May 28th, 2015. OPP RHQ.
New Business: nil
Adjourned at 1945ET
73/Drew VE3MAF
