Bill 118 Update
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May 28, 2009
As you know Bill 118 is the anti-cellphone bill being considered by the Ontario Government. Here is the latest update by Peter West VE3HG VP of PR for RAC. As Peter states we need more amateurs to become members of RAC. It looks poor and RAC has a difficult time defending us, in instances such as this, when only a small percentage of the Canadian Amateurs are members of the national organization. I have also included the HAWAII exemption.
The BLOG site also has other interesting information. Take a look.
ALSO... Don't forget Patrick 4 Life this Sunday June 7th. Bill VA3SPT is still looking for assistance. Log into the web site and click on attendance under the Patrick 4 Life information or send him an e-mail at .,%20PROPOSED%20CD2,%20FD1%20(OKINO).PDF
VHF NET - Monday Morning 0700L - 0800L. VE3ERX/VE3NFM. Net controller - DAVE VE3GTM
HF NET - Sunday Morning 0900L - ??. 3.768MHz LSB (+/- QRM). Net controller - Paul VA3PC
COFFEE - Saturdays at NorthGate Square. 1000L-1100L (+/-). In front of A & W
VE3ERX 147.030 (+) (PL 107.2) POWASSAN {N46 03.767 W079 26.133} (IRLP/2649 ECHOLINK/239683)
VE3NFM 147.300 (+) (PL 107.2) North Bay {N46 21.107 W079 22.197}
VE3NFM-15 144.390 APRS