RAC Bulletin 100529
Primary tabs

RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 29, 2010
1. Laurentian Net Advisories
On SUNDAYS only, the Laurentian Net now starts at 18:40 Eastern Time.
This is to accomodate the Ontario Swap Shop which starts on the same
frequency, 3.755 MHz, at 19:00 Eastern. From Monday through Saturday
the Laurentian Net still starts at 18:45 Eastern.
Also, the Laurentian Net is seeking liaison stations to carry traffic
between that net and the Ontario Phone Net, once a day. If you can
assist even one or two days a week, please contact Shawn VE3PSV,
Saturdays on the Laurentian Net, or via NTS message.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, Laurentian Net Manager
2. GLETN Pre-Net Times
The Great Lakes Emergency and Traffic Net (GLETN) meets daily on
3.932 MHz, at 20:30 Eastern Time. Please note that there is now a
pre-net starting half an hour before, at 20:00 Eastern.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV
3. London Vintage Radio Flea Market
The London Vintage Radio Club will hold its annual flea market on
Saturday, June 12, at Hammond Manufacturing, 394 Edinburgh Road in
Guelph, on the east side of the parking lot. Open to vendors and the
public at 7 a.m.; free admission to the public. The Hammond Museum
of Radio at 595 Southgate Road in Guelph will also be open that day.
For more information visit web page lvrc.homestead.com
-- RAC Event Database
4. ARRL Audio News Returns
Effective May 27, after a hiatus of nearly four months, the ARRL
Audio News is available at www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news. For the
time being, it will only be available as one mp3 file; ARRL will no
longer be breaking it up into segments. It will not be available by
telephone, though that feature may return in the future.
-- ARRL Web
5. Battle Harbour
Right here in Canada there is a site begging for a few devoted,
adventurous ham operators and it has not one but two towers.
Battle Harbour is an island off the southeast shore of Labrador. It
is a National Historic District operated by the Battle Harbour
Historic Trust.
Neil Galloway, VE3VNG, describes the location and its history in an
article on the ARRL Web page. You can read it at
tinyurl.com/3xgccyc (Three Xray Golf Charlie Charlie Yankee Charlie)
Or read more about the island at www.battleharbour.com
-- ARRL Web