RAC Bulletin 100606
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 6, 2010
1. Special Event Station VE7TUB
The Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association will host a 24 hour special
events station VE7TUB beginning on July 24 to commemorate the annual
running of the World Championship Bathtub Race to be held on July 25
in Nanaimo, British Columbia. For more information on the World
Championship Bathtub Race visit www.bathtubbing.com. For more
information on special event station VE7TUB visit www.ve7tub.ca.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Rotary International Special Event
Special event station VC2R will operate from June 18-24, to
celebrate the 2010 Rotary International Convention in Montreal.
Expect activity on all HF bands/modes. QSL via VE2GTI.
-- RAC Events Database and VA3RJ Web Page
3. Ontario Phone Net Needs Your Help
The Ontario Phone Net (OPN) is in need of Local Net Liaison Stations,
to represent your area by picking up message traffic coming in. All
you need to do is check into OPN, which meets at 19:00 Eastern Time
daily on or about 3.742 MHz, and identify yourself as representing
your home area. With the poor band conditions you also might be able
to help us with relays.
OPN also needs Regional Net Liaison Stations, to carry traffic to and
from the Second Region Net, which meets daily on 3.925 MHz at 13:45,
15:30, and 18:30 Eastern Time. You check into the Net when they call
for Net Liaison Stations and advise that you are "going to" or
"coming from" Ontario, and either you have no traffic or list the
traffic you have. Please give a listen on 3.925 and see if you have a
good enough copy on one of the sessions to assist us.
If you have any questions or would like to be scheduled into the
rotation please contact Bob Sharp VA3QV OPN Net Manager, by email at
opnreport (at) gmail (dot) com, or by checking into the Ontario Phone
-- Bob Sharp, VA3QV, OPN Net Manager
4. Wireless Amber Alerts
There is now available a new service which will send Amber Alerts via
text message to your mobile phone. The website offers selected areas
of the country, or you can opt for countrywide amber alerts. Best
of all - it's free. Sign up at www.wirelessamber.ca
-- Paul Caccamo, VA3PC, DEC Magnetawan Sector
5. AO-51 Field Day Schedule
AMSAT has announced the AO-51 configuration for Field Day:
From June 21 10:40Z to June 24 09:35Z, FM Repeater, V/S to allow
testing of V/S station equipment prior to Field Day.
Uplink: 145.880 Mhz FM, Downlink: 2401.200 Mhz FM.
From June 24 09:35Z to June 27 06:40Z, FM Repeater, V/U.
Please observe the 1 QSO per repeater Field Day rule.
Uplink: 145.920 Mhz FM, PL tone 67Hz, Downlink: 435.300 Mhz FM.
From June 27 06:40Z to June 27 22:00Z, FM Repeater, V/S.
Please observe the 1 QSO per repeater Field Day rule
Uplink: 145.880 Mhz FM, Downlink: 2401.200 Mhz FM.
After Field Day, from June 27 22:00Z to July 5, FM Repeater, V/U.
Uplink: 145.920 Mhz FM, PL tone 67Hz, Downlink: 435.300 Mhz FM.
-- AMSAT News Service
6. New URL for Contest Club Ontario
The Web site for Contest Club Ontario can now be found using the new
URL of www.va3cco.com
-- ARRL Contest Update