RAC Bulletin 100731
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for July 31, 2010
1. Maplecon 2010
The "Maplecon" QRP Gathering will be held August 20-22 at Emily
Provincial Park, Omemee, Ontario. Gather with fellow QRPers for a
fun and relaxing weekend of camping, QRP operating, demonstrations,
show & tell, and swap/trade/sell. Day visitors (no camping) are also
welcome. For more information visit tinyurl.com/maplecon2010
-- Ontario Swap Shop Web Page
2. International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW)
This year's ILLW will run from 0001 UTC August 21 to 2359 UTC August
22. The objective is to promote public awareness of lighthouses and
lightships and their need for preservation and restoration, to
promote amateur radio, and to foster International goodwill. Over
400 lighthouses in some 50 countries around the world participate.
For more information visit www.illw.net
-- ILLW Web Page
3. VB1H and VC3L Special Event Stations
From August 11-15, special event station VB1H will be on the air from
Harris Island, IOTA NA-126, to commemorate the 225th Anniversary of
the Arrival of the Planter Loyalists to the Tusket Islands. There
should be 2 HF stations, CW & SSB. Please qsl to VE3EXY.
From August 21-22, special event station VC3L will be active from the
historic Oakville harbour lighthouse at the Oakville Yacht Squadron,
for the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL direct via
the info on QRZ.com for call sign VC3L.
-- RAC Events Database and QRZ.com
4. Ontario QSO Party Results
Final results for the 2010 Ontario QSO Party are available online at
www.va3cco.com/oqp/results. Scores are listed by Ontario county, US
state, and by country. Plaque and certificate winners are listed on a
separate page. Certificate winners may download their certificate
from this page.
-- ARRL Contest Update