RAC Bulletin 100807
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 7, 2010
1. Junk in the Trunk fleamarket
The Ontario Swap Shop will hold its second annual Junk in the Trunk -
Loonie Event on Saturday, August 28, at the Newmarket Theatre, 505
Pickering Crescent, in Newmarket. Open to the public at 9 a.m.;
talk-in on 146.520 simplex. For more information see
-- RAC Events Database
2. North American QSO Party
The North American QSO Party, SSB, will run from 1800Z August 21 to
0600Z August 22. The object is to work as many North American
stations as possible, on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 metres.
Exchange operator name and province or state. For details visit
www.ncjweb.com and click the "Contests" button.
-- National Contest Journal
3. New World Record on 10 GHz
A group of six Swiss hams have set a new record for the longest
contact made on 10 GHz using SSB: 2696 km, from Ilha do Sal (one of
the northern Cape Verde islands) to Portugal. Using a 20 W
transmitter and a 90 cm parabolic reflector with 35 dB gain, these
hams, contacted Portugal on the morning of July 10 for almost 25
-- ARRL Web
4. Travel Antennas for HF
Phil AD5X has published articles on both a 60-10 meter travel
vertical, and a 40-10 meter travel dipole. Both are easy to build,
and very compact. Visit www.ad5x.com and click "Articles", then click
the links in the "Antennas" section. Both articles are PDF files.
-- ARRL Contest Update