RAC Bulletin 101106
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for November 6, 2010
1. Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board Meeting
The 35th meeting of the Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board took
place on Thursday Oct. 28th. CARAB is composed of representatives
from both RAC representing Canadian Amateurs, and Industry Canada, as
the regulator of amateur radio. For the full report visit the RAC
web page at www.rac.ca/en/news/bulletins/2010/27
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. VA3QT Appointed Special Advisor
It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Ian
Snow VA3QT, Special Advisor to the RAC National Field Organization
Executive. Ian, an original National Training Resource Group
member, will work closely with National NTS Coordinator Hew Lines
VA7HU initially, looking at the manner in which the ARES and NTS stay
useful and relevant to the Agencies we serve, from a messaging and
use of technology standpoint.
I would like to welcome Ian, and thank him for his continued valuable
support of the Radio Amateurs of Canada.
-- Doug Mercer, VO1DTM, RAC VP Field Services
3. RAC Executive Meeting
On the weekend of October 30th, directors, executives, and key
participants gathered in Ottawa to plan the future of RAC. An
initial report can be read at www.rac.ca/en/news/bulletins/2010/30
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. Killarney District ARES Report
On October 18, members of the Manitoulin ARES group, along with
personnel from the Red Cross, OPP, Ministry of Natural resources,
E.M.O., OMAFRA, and EMS, and Community Control Groups from the
Townships of Billings, NEMI and Central Manitoulin, participated in a
simulated emergency involving a forest fire on Manitoulin Island. The
focus of the exercise was to evaluate the response, telecommunication
and evacuation capabilities in a multi-jurisdictional emergency. The
exercise was a success according to Jeannine Morin, Killarney Sector
Field Officer, Emergency Management Ontario.
Sudbury EC Pat Dopson and and Killarney DEC Stiig Larsen VE3LBX
attended the ARES Ontario meeting in Toronto at the Toronto Office of
Emergency Management. Presentations by Al Boyd VE3AJB, Section
Manager, and Ian Snow VA3QT were informative and discussed a role for
the group that would be independent of RAC, the ARES Qualification
System, and the establishment of a steering committee.
-- Stiig Larsen, VE3LBX, Killarney DEC
MMSSTV is an easy to use SSTV program for your Windows PC which will
allow you to receive and decode the SSTV signals from the
International Space Station. Makoto Mori, JE3HHT released version
1.13A on September 29th. Download MMSSTV for free from
-- AMSAT News