RAC Bulletin 101113
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for November 13, 2010
1. Indonesian Disaster Frequencies
All Amateur Radio operators are requested to note the following from
the Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI). All IARU Center of
Activity frequencies, 21.360, 18.160, 14.300, 7.060 and 3.760 MHz
should be kept clear. The disaster assistance effort is using 7.065.
Your usual cooperation is very much appreciated.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. ITU Plenipotentiary wraps up
The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference ended with broad agreement on core
issues. Delegates approved Financial and Strategic plans, and
reinforced the Union's mandate in development, standards-making and
global management of radio frequency resources. For more information
visit tinyurl.com/2wq89r5 (Two Whiskey Quebec Eight Nine Romeo Five)
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Field Organization Review Project
I am pleased to report that a National Field Organization Review
Project was started yesterday. With the assistance of Hew Lines VA7HU
and Ian Snow VA3QT, and others, guidelines were adopted to review the
entire RAC Field Organization, including but not limited to:
Organizational structure, Focus, Training, Methodology, Communication
to and from our members, and Technology.
This will be an ongoing process that will look at all aspects of how
we operate and how we deliver Amateur Radio resources to our
customers. If you would like to assist with this project, and feel
that you have something to offer, please contact vo1dtm (at) rac
(dot) ca
-- Doug Mercer, VO1DTM, RAC Vice President Field Services
4. Provincial Simulated Emergency Test
The 2010 Ontario Province-wide Simulated Emergency Test will be
conducted on the following dates:
* EOC to EOC test: December 1st from 0900-1200 local time
* Province-wide SET: December 4th from 1000-1400 and 1900-2100 local
All Amateur Radio Operators are invited to participate. Complete
details about the Province-wide SET can be found on the EMO ARES
website, www.emoares.org
-- Jim Taylor, VA3KU, EMO ARES
5. Nominations Open for Lighthouse Activator of the Year
The Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society presents an annual award to the
ham who has done the most to promote the activation of any of the
world's nautical light beacons. Criteria include the rarity of the
beacons, their remoteness, and the technical difficulty. Any licensed
amateur anywhere in the world is qualified for the award.
Nominations should include the nominee's call, name, address, e-mail
address (if available) and a brief paragraph (50-100 words)
describing why the nominee should receive the award. They must be
sent to the ARLHS via e-mail or by postal mail to the ARLHS HQ, 114
Woodbine Ave, Merchantville, NJ 08109, USA, no later than December
31st. For more information visit www.arlhs.com
-- ARRL Web