RAC Bulletin 120310
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 10, 2012
1. Volunteers Needed for RAC Band Planning Committees
RAC is looking for additional volunteers to help update the VHF/UHF
and SHF band plans to reflect new modes and current practice. At
this time, we have enough members on the 0-30 MHz (formerly HF) Band
Planning Committee.
Volunteers must be RAC members and have an active interest in the
VHF/UHF or SHF bands. To volunteer for the VHF/UHF committee, please
contact the chair, Dana Shtun VE3KU, Dana at: ve3dss-1.rogers.com.
For the SHF committee, contact chair Steve Kavanagh VE3SMA, by email
at ve3sma (at) rac.ca. The SHF committee especially seeks someone
with specific interest in satellite operations, or knowledgeable
with interference issues in the shared bands above 2 GHz.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Special Event Station VO1AA
On April 25th, the birthday of Guglielmo Marconi, the Society of
Newfoundland Radio Amateurs will make Amateur Radio contact with
Princess Elettra (Marconi) who will be in Bologna, Italy to
celebrate her father's birthday. It is planned to have the Canadian
Heritage Minister, the Newfoundland Premier, the City of St. John's
Mayor and the the Newfoundland Lieutenant Governor exchange greetings
with the Princess via station VO1AA at Cabot Tower.
This is the first time that this event has been attempted, and we
anticipate that it will be a high level media exposure for Amateur
Radio in Canada.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. New Ontario SEC
Effective immediately, Scott Carter VE3CGN of Dutton, Ontario is
appointed ARES Section Emergency Coordinator for Ontario. He will
serve until September 1st, when appointments are made for each of
the four new Sections in Ontario.
Scott brings with him much experience in emergency communications.
Scott was the former District Emergency Coordinator for the Tecumseh
District, and has many certifications in emergency management
including CEC, BEM, IMS-100, and IMS-200. He is also very active
with the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network. Please welcome
Scott to his new position.
-- Allan Boyd, VE3AJB, Ontario Section Manager
4. Young Ham of the Year Nominations
Nominations are open for the Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the
Year Award. Nominees must be 18 or younger, licensed amateurs,
residents of the US or Canada, and must have made significant
contributions to their community, the nation or amateur radio.
Nominations must be received by May 30. Complete details and
nominating forms are online at www.arnewsline.org/yhoty.
-- CQ News Service
5. Field Day Packet Now Available
Field Day is June 23-24 and Field Day packets are now available for
download. They include the complete rules, forms, entry submission
instructions, a Frequently Asked Questions section, guidelines for
getting bonus points, instructions for GOTA stations, a publicity
kit, and a one-page "What is Field Day" flyer you can hand out. Find
it at www.arrl.org/fieldday
-- ARRL Web