RAC Bulletin 120414
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 14, 2012
1. Update on 60 Metres
RAC has requested that Canadian amateurs be granted channelized
access to 60M, identical to the US allocation with one additional
unique Canadian channel. In late 2011 the FCC issued a final Report
and Order for U.S. 60M access, clearing the way for Canada to
proceed. This allocation, on a secondary basis, requires a public
consultation through the Canada Gazette, which we expect will occur
in the second quarter of 2012. It is important that Canadian
Amateurs comment on the draft once released.
As an interim step, Industry Canada will issue special licences for
60M. The process requires a formal licence application, payment of a
licence fee, and the use of a special call sign instead of your
amateur call sign. If you wish to obtain a temporary, paid license to
operate on 60M, please contact your local Industry Canada Regional
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. CANWARN Training April 22-28
CANWARN training will be held in the following locations:
On Tuesday April 24, in Goderich, 1:30 PM, in the Goderich Community
Centre (Old Arena), 180 McDonald St.
Also on April 24, in Clinton, 7 PM, at the Central Huron Fire Hall,
410 Beech St.
On Thursday April 26, in Parry Sound, 12:30 PM, at the Bobby Orr
Centre, 7 Mary Street.
On Saturday April 28, in the Washago/Orillia area, 9 AM, at the
Community Room, MASK Arena, 6147 Rama Road (north of Casinorama and
south of Airport Road on Rama Road)
Also on April 28, in the Ottawa area, 9 AM, at the Nepean Sailing
Club, 3259 Carling Avenue, Nepean.
To register for any CANWARN training session, please send an email to
geoff.coulson (at) ec.gc.ca
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. OPN seeks net controllers
The Ontario Phone Net has an immediate need for both regular and
alternate Net Control Operators. Regular positions are for one shift
a week. Alternates are to substitute on an "as needed" basis.
The OPN currently meets daily at 1900 Eastern Time, on 3745 kHz.
If you would like to help out, please contact Shawn VE3PSV on the
Ontario Phone Net, or via NTS message.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, acting net manager
4. Radio Scouting IRLP Calling Channel
Radio Scouting and Jamboree on the Air now have a meeting place for
IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) contacts. IRLP Node 9091 is a
dedicated Topic Channel for Radio Scouting.
Recommended times for calling are 1800Z and 0100Z, but the channel is
available for use 24/7. It's recommended that once two stations make
contact, they agree upon a different IRLP node, disconnect from the
Topic Channel and connect using the new node, freeing Node 9091 for
more contacts. For more information about Topic Channels, visit
-- Southgate ARC News