RAC Bulletin 120421
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 21, 2012
1. New Deputy Director Ontario North/East
Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA, of Ottawa is the new Deputy Director for
Radio Amateurs of Canada, North/East Ontario Region. Glenn is
currently president of the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club, and led the
team that made presentations to the Ottawa city council regarding
amateur radio exemptions for antenna systems. He has worked for the
Federal Government and was an advisor on issues related to Canada's
space program.
Glenn will bring administration, innovation and management skills to
RAC, and we look forward to working with him as part of the
North/East Ontario team.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Distracted Driving in Ontario
The amateur radio exemption from Ontario's distracted driving
regulation will expire at the end of 2012. RAC has been lobbying for
a permanent exemption. On April 16, MTO proposed a five-year
extension of the current exemption. You can view the regulatory
notice in the provincial registry at tinyurl.com/ddo9043 (Delta Delta
Oscar Nine Zero Four Three). The deadline for comments is May 30.
RAC will be providing comments to the Road User Safety Branch of MTO
on this issue and will continue to press for a permanent exemption.
We thank all organisations that supplied letters of support to assist
us in obtaining this extension.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. CANWARN Training May 2 - May 5
CANWARN training will be held in the following locations:
On Wednesday, May 2, in Kitchener, 7 PM, at Bingemans Conference
Centre, 425 Bingemans Centre Drive,
On Saturday, May 5, in Toronto, 9 AM, at the Environment Canada
offices, 4905 Dufferin St
To register for any CANWARN training session, please send an email to
geoff.coulson (at) ec.gc.ca
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
4. Special Event Stations
From May 1st to May 30th, special event station VC2CBS30 will
commemorate the 30th anniversary of the incorporation of the Club
Radioamateur Sorel-Tracy VE2CBS Inc. QSL via VE2DWE. For more
informatinon visit www.ve2cbs.qc.ca
From May 1st to May 31st, special event station VC3D will celebrate
the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. QSL via VE3FXX.
-- RAC Special Events Database
5. Register your Field Day Location
ARRL provides the Field Day Station Locator, a free, interactive map
that helps amateurs or those interested in Amateur Radio find a
public Field Day site near them. To view or add sites, go to
-- ARRL Web