RAC Bulletin 120602
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 2, 2012
1. Field Day is Just Around the Corner
This year's Field Day is just weeks away, and by now your
preparations should be well under way. Whether your focus for the
event is an Emergency Preparedness Display, a Public Service
Demonstration or just an excuse to get on the air, the main thing is
to have fun. For rules and details, visit www.arrl.org/field-day.
This is also a great time to recruit new Hams, or encourage "just
licensed" Hams to join you to get their "feet wet" with pile ups,
experiencing for the first time the thrill of having the world at
their fingertips. Field Day is also a great time to recruit new RAC
members, or to repatriate ones who have not renewed for one reason or
another. Why not place some RAC membership forms on your Public
Information table?
-- Doug Mercer VO1DTM/VO1DM CEC, Chief Field Services Officer
2. CANWARN Training June 11
The final CANWARN training of 2012 will be held in Dryden on June 11,
at 7 PM, at the Dryden Fire Services Training Room, 189 Colonization
Avenue. To register, please send an email to geoff.coulson (at)
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. SS Keewatin Homecoming
On June 23, the SS Keewatin returns home to Port McNicoll. The "Kee"
is an Edwardian era steamship, built in 1905, that provided passenger
and freight service on the Great Lakes until the mid 1960's. For the
last 45 years she has been a tourist attraction in Michigan. Now, a
local developer is bringing her back to Ontario. She is the last of
her kind; learn more about her at www.sskeewatin.com.
Local hams will provide communications for the Keewatin's homecoming,
and have been asked to develop a Marine and Ham radio museum and to
establish an active ham radio station on board. For more information,
visit tinyurl.com/keewatin. To volunteer, contact Michael, VA3LKI
via email, va3lki (at) yahoo.com, with a brief summary of what skills
and talents you can bring to the project.
-- Michael Moreau, VA3LKI
4. Special Event Stations
From June 15 to July 15, the following special event callsigns have
been authorized: VC2L will commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the
Laval-Laurentides Amateur Radio Club; QSL via VE2NHK. Special Event
Station CG7CWPC will commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the C. W.
Parker Carousel at the Burnaby Village Museum; QSL via VE7EES, or
visit www.ve7bar.org for more information. And VX3ROYL will
commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812 (Escape of the
Royal George); QSL via VE3NOO.
Also, from June 17 to June 30, VX3T will commemorate the 100th year
of the Calgary Stampede; QSL via VE3IKV. Search VX3T at qrz.com for
more information.
-- RAC Events Database
5. Radio Canada International QRT
On June 25, Radio Canada International will end its shortwave and
satellite broadcasts, and abandon its transmitter facility in
Sackville, New Brunswick. An 80 percent budget cut means RCI will
also stop producing its own programming and will shut down its news
department. RCI will maintain a "Web presence"...but only 22 percent
of the developing world has access to the Internet.
-- CQ News Service and Montreal Gazette