RAC Bulletin 120609
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 9, 2012
1. Canada Day Contest
The RAC Canada Day Contest runs from 0000 - 2359 UTC on Sunday, July
1st. This is a great opportunity to have a little fun on the
airwaves and compete with others over a twenty four hour period.
What better way to celebrate Canada's birthday!
For rules and details, see the PDF file at tinyurl.com/canday2012.
The very best of luck to everyone and have fun!
-- Doug Mercer VO1DTM/VO1DM CEC, Chief Field Services Officer
2. NTS Liaisons Needed
The net manager for the Second Region (2RN) Cycle 2 nets, Bill W2MTA,
has put out a request for additional Canadian stations to check into
the two 2RN daytime nets. Currently there is no liaison to either
net from Ontario. These times are 1:45 pm and 6:30 pm Eastern Time
on 3925 kHz. The early session usually reverts to 7235 kHz due to
propagation issues.
If you are a CW operator, the Hit and Bounce Slow Net (HBSN) is
looking for Canadian stations to check into the net on 3574 kHz at
7:30 am Eastern.
-- via Glenn Killam, VE3GNA
3. Special Event Calls
From June 18th to July 2nd, special call VC390IC (Victor Charlie
Three Nine Zero India Charlie) will commemorate the 90th Anniversary
of the Kitchener Waterloo Amateur Radio Club; QSL via VE3ZUP. Search
VC390IC on qrz.com for more information.
From June 25th to July 25th, special call VX3X will commemorate
the Centennial of the War of 1812; QSL via VE3OP.
-- RAC Events Database
4. Nunuvut/IOTA DXpedition
From June 21st to July 2nd, Dick AH6EZ and Harry K9DXA will be active
as YV0/homecall from Rankin Inlet, Nunavut. Activity will be on 80-6
meters, with a focus on 30/17/12 meter bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.
They hope to travel to Marble Island between June 25-29 to activate
IOTA NA-185 for several hours on one day. And on July 1st, they will
be active as VY0RAC for the Canada Day contest. For more details,
visit ah6ez.yolasite.com
-- Southgate ARC News
5. Too Old for Contesting?
I hope none of you are ever inclined to send an email like this
old-timer received, but if you are -- or if you're tempted to be
rude on the air to a new operator -- I hope his story, at
www.arrl.org/too-old-for-contesting, gives you pause. And remember,
you're never too old for contesting.
-- ARRL Web