RAC Bulletin 121222

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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for December 22, 2012


1. RAC Section Manager election results
Congratulations to Craig Seaboyer VE1DSS who was recently elected
Section Manager for the Maritimes for the balance of a two year term
that commenced March 1, 2012. He ran unopposed eliminating the need
for a balloted election.
-- Doug Mercer CEC VO1DTM/VO1DM, Chief Field Services Officer

2. Toronto D-Star Net Update
The Toronto ARES D-Star Net has moved from reflector XRF005A to
XRF005B, and has added a 1.2 GHz repeater.
This net meets every Tuesday night at 8:30pm EST, using the XRF005B
reflector on VE3RPT 145.250MHz (-), VA3PMO 444.250MHz (+), and VE3YYZ
1287.500Mhz (-) in Toronto, and linked to other repeaters across
Canada and the USA. The XRF005B reflector is located at the Grand
River Hospital in Kitchener, Ontario.
-- Ralph Muecke VE3VXY, via George Duffield VE3WKJ


3. FreeDV Ham Radio Digital Voice Software
FreeDV is an application for Windows and Linux that allows any HF SSB
radio to be used for digital voice mode with a bandwidth of just 1.1
kHz. Speech is compressed down to 1400 bit/s then modulated onto a
1100 Hz wide QPSK signal which is sent to the Mic input of a SSB
radio. On receive, the signal is received by the SSB radio, then
demodulated and decoded by FreeDV.

You can see a demonstration of FreeDV at tinyurl.com/freedv-video.
Download the free program at www.freedv.org

-- AMSAT News

4. Maritime Amateur Website
The Maritime Amateur website was launched in March 2008 with the
purpose of sharing information among radio amateurs in Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Now in its fifth year, it
has had over 43 thousand hits and has a membership of over 110 hams.
Check it out at www.maritimeamateur.ca.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline