RAC Bulletin 121229
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for December 29, 2012
1. Distracted Driving Update
RAC is pleased to inform Ontario hams that Ontario Regulation 253/12
has amended the amateur radio exemption sections of former Ontario
Regulation 366/09. This extends the amateur radio exemption for
hand-held devices until January 1, 2018.
RAC will continue to pursue a permanent exemption for Amateur Radio
operators in Ontario, similar to those in many other provinces.
Meanwhile, we recommend that you carry a copy of your certificate and
a copy of the exemption in your vehicle. You can find it at
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Changes in the Contraventions Regulations
There has been an announcement in the Canada Gazette as to changes
in the Contraventions Regulations concerning the enforcement of the
Radiocommunication Regulations.
These changes will allow peace officers including Municipal,
Provincial and RCMP police officers to issue tickets for certain
offences under the Radiocommunication Regulations.
The changes may be seen at: tinyurl.com/cz49jx5 (Charlie Zulu Four
Nine Juliet Xray Five)
-- Bill Gade, VE4WO, Regulatory Affairs
3. NTS Routing to/from Ontario
For the past two years, due to de-activation of the Eastern Canadian
Regional Net (ECN), traffic to and from the Eastern Canadian
provinces has been routed through the Second Region Net. Effective
January 1, 2013 this will change.
Until Eastern Canada re-establishes a regional net, traffic to
Eastern Canada should be routed via the NTS Digital Network (NTSD).
Sections with digital liaisons should route this traffic through
their digital reps.
Any Canadian stations in the eastern provinces may check into any net
with their outgoing traffic.
-- Marcia Forde KW1U, Eastern Area NTS Chair
4. GLETN Time Change Update
Effective immediately, the Great Lakes Emergency and Traffic Net is
holding its main net at 7:30 pm, Eastern Time. There is a "post-net"
afterwards, at 8 pm. GLETN meets on 3.932 MHz, 365 nights a year.
All amateurs are welcome.
-- Grant K8VFZ, via Shawn VE3PSV
5. VE3COLD Special Event
From 1700 UTC Saturday January 26, through 1700 UTC Sunday January
27, special event station VE3COLD will operate for the Society for
the Preservation of Amateur Radio Winter Field Day. The plan is to
operate indoors at an agricultural research farm, on all contest
bands 160m through 6m. QSL via VE3ZUP. For more information search
VE3COLD at qrz.com.
-- RAC Special Events Database and qrz.com
6. Contesting News Website to Shut Down
After five years, the contesting news website radio-sport.net is
closing. In a posting on the site, founder Jamie Dupree, NS3T, said
increasing demands at work and at home were keeping him from having
enough time to devote to running the web site.
-- CQ News Service