RAC Bulletin 130105
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 5, 2013
1. OPN Manager Appointed
The Section Managers of Ontario are pleased to announce the
appointment of Pat Dopson, VE3HZQ as the Manager of the Ontario Phone
Net, effective January 2. Mr. Dopson is the Section Traffic Manager
of the Ontario North Section and has a wealth of experience working
traffic nets in Canada and the United States.
The Section Managers also wish to thank Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV for his
commitment to the net, acting as interim Manager following the
retirement of the previous Manager. The Ontario Phone Net is the
primary traffic net for the province of Ontario and operates daily on
3.745 MHz +/- QRM at 19:00 ET.
-- George Duffield, VE3WKJ, GTA Section Manager
2. NTS Traffic School on YouTube
The Los Angeles ARES group has created a three-part YouTube video
presentation called "TFC School, the Art of Passing Radio Traffic".
Session 1 can be found at tinyurl.com/tfc-school and links to
sessions 2 and 3 can be found on the right side of that page.
-- via Glenn Killam, VE3GNA
3. Canadian Hellschreiber Award
The Feld Hell Club now offers the Worked All Canada award. The basic
award requires contacts in Hellschreiber with the ten Canadian
Provinces. The complete award requires additional QSO's be held
with Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Hellschreiber
was originally a mechanical mode, now sent digitally, that transmits
text using facsimile technology. It was patented by Dr. Rudolf Hell
in 1929.
You must be a member of the Feld Hell Club to be eligible, but
contacts with non-members are valid for award credit. For more
information visit tinyurl.com/Hellschreiber-Canada-Award.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
4. Cleaning Receive Relays
Sometimes relay contacts that handle received signals (such as
transmit-receive relays) develop thin films of oxide that present a
high resistance to low voltage signals. Tom W8JI has published a
contact cleaning procedure that may help you clear up an intermittent
receive problem caused by a relay contact. View it at at
-- ARRL Contest Update