RAC Bulletin 130112
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 12, 2013
1. British Columbia QSO Party
The British Columbia QSO Party will run from 1600z Feb 2 to 0400z
Feb 3. The objective for stations outside BC is to contact as many
BC stations as you can. Full details, including rules, exchange and
multipliers, can be viewed at www.orcadxcc.org/bcqp.html
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Niagara Hamfest
The Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club will hold its "Big Event 35"
Flea Market and Hamfest on Saturday, February 2, at the Merriton
Community Centre, 7 Park Ave. in St. Catharines. General admission
at 9 am; talk-in on VE3NRS 147.240 (+) with 107.2 Hz tone.
For more information visit www.nparc.on.ca/content/bigevent
-- RAC Events Database
3. 4-H Special Event
Special event callsign XM3Z will operate from from Coldwater,
Ontario, between 15 January and 15 February, to celebrate 100 years
of 4-H in Canada. QSL via VE3JPP.
-- VA3RJ Events Page
4. Bedford NS ARISS Contact
CBC News covered an ARISS contact between Canadian astronaut Chris
Hadfield, aboard the International Space Station, and the students
at the Charles P. Allen High School, Bedford, Nova Scotia, on
Saturday January 5. See the story at tinyurl.com/ariss-bedford
-- RAC Bulletin Service
5. Satellite Pass Predictions via APRS
The KJ4ERJ satserver will send live tracking data to your APRS radio
anywhere, anytime. For the International Space Station, just send an
APRS message to "ISS" from any APRS radio (on the national APRS
channel). If you are in range of an APRS IGate, the satserver will
respond with the time to AOS and the direction of AOS, max elevation
and LOS.
This also works for other satellites. For example, send a message to
"FO29" and get its prediciton for your location. The satserver will
use the last APRS position you have transmitted. For a full
description, visit aprsisce.wikidot.com/doc:satsrv
-- AMSAT News