RAC Bulletin 130202
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for February 2, 2013
1. Burlington Flea Market
The Burlington Amateur Radio Club will hold its Spring Flea Market
Saturday, February 23, at the Royal Canadian Legion, 828 Legion Road
in Burlington. General admission at 9 am; talk-in on VE3RSB
repeater, 147.210 (+) 131.8 Hz tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
2. GAREC 2013
The 2013 Global Amateur Radio Emergency Conference (GAREC) will be
held in Zurich, Switzerland from June 25th to 28th. The topics will
include the relevance of Amateur Radio Emergency Communication in the
'first world,' and the HAMNET high speed data network. There will
also be presentations from the three regions of the IARU and talks by
groups with recent experience in disaster relief communications.
More information on the venue, registration, and agenda can be found
on-line at www.garec2013.ch.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
3. SWL Contest Logging Software
Marek SP7DQR has released version 1.2.0 of SWL_DQR_Log, a contest
logging program for SWLs. The program can be used in at least 90% of
the international contests having a SWL section. Download it at
tinyurl.com/sp7dqr (Sierra Papa Seven Delta Quebec Romeo)
-- ARRL Contest Update
4. RigReference.com
The website RigReference.com calls itself the "reference guide for
ham radio equipment." Currently it has photos and descriptions for
over 3000 rigs, and manuals for nearly 300, from 155 different
manufacturers -- new and old.
-- ARRL Web
5. International Space Station Calendar
A free 2013 NASA Calendar, featuring images from the International
Space Station, can be downloaded at tinyurl.com/iss-2013-calendar
It's a 4.6 megabyte PDF file.
-- AMSAT News