RAC Bulletin 130126
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 26, 2013
1. New Brunswick ARISS Contact
An International Space Station school contact was successful with
participants at Saint Rose Elementary School, Saint John, New
Brunswick on 17 January. The contact was direct between NA1SS and
VE9LC and was conducted in English. The Loyalist City Amateur Radio
Club and ARISS mentor Wayne Harasimovitch VE1WPH supported this
Students in grades three to five had questions ready for
International Space Station Canadian Commander, Chris Hadfield. A
video of the contact can be found at tinyurl.com/a5fv8qk (Alpha Five
Foxtrot Victor Eight Quebec Kilo). The video is under "LifeStyle",
then select "Misc." The title is "Students talk to Space Station".
-- AMSAT News and RAC Bulletin Service
2. Radio-Sport.Net Re-Launches
Ham radio contesting website Radio-Sport.net, long operated by Jamie
Dupree NS3T, has been re-launched under the new management of Jeff
Demers N1SNB.
The new site will support ongoing discussions and comments, and users
will be able to add opinions, news and even share photographs. It is
designed as an interactive platform for everything ham radio
contesting related.
-- Ham Radio Daily and QRZ Forums
3. QNI Traffic Newsletter
QNI is an independent newsletter by and for amateur radio traffic
handlers. It is distributed free to members of the NTS-EAN Yahoo
group. Any ham is welcome to join this group, at
groups.yahoo.com/group/NTS-EAN. The February issue, a PDF file,
can be viewed on-line at ve3gna.wordpress.com
-- Glenn Killam, VE3GNA
4. AMSAT Web Site Compromised
On or about 20 January 2013, AMSAT-NA's main web site www.amsat.org
was compromised by an attacker, with the contents of the supporting
database, including non-public information, posted on other publicly
available web sites. Out of an abundance of caution, the main site
was shut down. Work is underway to move to a more secure
infrastructure. In the interim, www.amsat.org will have limited
-- AMSAT News