RAC Bulletin 130216
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for February 16, 2013
1. TCA Correction
A recent issue of The Canadian Amateur incorrectly lists IRLP node
9034 for the Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter Net. The correct
node is IRLP node 9038, and also Echolink node VE3ZHR-L 591897. The
net meets on Saturday evenings at 7:00 PM Eastern Time and will
either have a roundtable topic or connect to the Skywarn Hurricane
Prep Net at 8:00 PM. For more information, or to join the mailing
list, email Gord VA3WXA, blindgordie (at) gmail.com.
-- Gord Maybee, VA3WXA
2. North American QRP CW Club
The North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC) is open to radio amateur or
SWL worldwide with at least some interest in CW/QRP operation. There
are no dues or membership fees. Encouraging use of CW and helping
all hams increase CW speed and proficiency is a top club priority.
The club runs several weekly slow-speed nets, and monthly sprints.
For more information vist www.naqcc.info
-- NAQCC Web Page
3. Noise Blankers Hijinks Site
Be sure to check out the "Ham Hijinks" page on the Noise Blankers'
web site. The Arkansas group writes fictional and satirical news
items, like the recent one blaming ham radio for the Super Bowl
blackout. Find their latest jokes at www.noiseblankers.com/hijinks
-- Ham Radio Daily and QRZ.com forums
4. Multi-purpose Portable Satellite Station
Ivo Klinkert PA1IVO has posted an article describing his relatively
simple, portable setup to work amateur radio low-earth orbit
satellites. This is an expansion of his talk at the AMSAT-UK
Colloquium. Read it at tinyurl.com/ivok-sat
-- AMSAT News
5. Understanding Wave Behaviour
The wonderful and timeless Bell Labs training film, "Similarities in
Wave Behavior," hosted by Dr J.N. Shive, is now available online as a
28-minute YouTube video. The mechanical version of a transmission
line is used to show velocity of propagation, reflections, standing
waves, and other phenomena. If you've ever been mystified at how SWR
"works", watch this video. See it at tinyurl.com/att-waves
-- ARRL Contest Update