RAC Bulletin 130223
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for February 23, 2013
1. GTA West DEC Appointed
Glenn Marrett, VE3CEZ, has been appointed as the District Emergency
Coordinator for Peel and Halton Regions (GTA West) in the Ontario GTA
Licensed in 1994, Glenn brings much experience to the position. He's
served as Emergency Coordinator for Milton ARES and before that was
involved with Peel ARES. He is currently part of Oakville ARES. Glenn
has been a CANWARN net controller for 13 years, a participant in
various SET's, Field Day events both group and individual, Winter
Field Day, and has provided radio support for a number of local
charitable events.
Congratulations Glenn, and welcome to the team.
-- Rick Harrison, VA3NV, GTA SEC
2. Oakville EC Appointed
George Davis, VE3OGP, was recently appointed as Emergency Coordinator
for Oakville ARES.
Licensed in 1983, George has been a member of Oakville ARES for the
past 23 years and has served as an Assistant Emergency Coordinator
with that group for the past 7 years.
-- Rick Harrison, VA3NV, GTA SEC
3. Help Needed for Burlington Event
Burlington ARES is looking for radio operators to help with
communications for the Chilly Half Marathon charity event in
Burlington on Sunday March 3. The event raises funds for the Joseph
Brant Memorial Hospital.
If you are available to help please contact Burlington ARES Emergency
Coordinator Kevin Andrews, VA3KRA by email, va3kra (at) cogeco.ca
-- Rick Harrison, VA3NV, GTA SEC
4. Postal Service Special Events
Two special event stations will commemorate the 250th Anniversary of
Formalized Postal Service in Canada. From February 28 to March 28,
listen for call sign VX3Z, QSL via VE3JPP. From March 9 to April 7,
call sign CF3A will operate, QSL via VA3RVK.
-- RAC Special Events Database
5. Maritime Storm Response
Amateur radio operators responded to the blizzard that hit the
northeast U.S. and Atlantic Canada on Saturday, February 9th.
On Friday morning the call was made to activate CANWARN in Nova
Scotia and Prince Edward Island. At 8 a.m. Saturday morning, Net
Control began operations by linking up 13 repeaters throughout Nova
Scotia through the MAVCOM system, IRLP, Echolink and HF operations on
3.770 MHz. CANWARN spotters were asked to record snowfall amounts
each hour, visibility, wind speed, direction and storm surge.
Over the next 12 hours Net Control recorded close to 200 messages.
Environment Canada advised that the net could be closed after the
high tide at 10 pm. The net activated again Sunday morning for only
one hour to take damage reports.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
6. Winnipeg ARISS Contact
On February 13, an International Space Station contact was made with
participants at Chief Peguis Junior High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
This is a grade 7-9 school with about 550 students and staff. The
contact was made with a telebridge between NA1SS and VK5ZAI.
-- AMSAT News