RAC Bulletin 130309
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 9, 2013
1. RAC Planning Session
This February the Board and Executive of RAC met in Ottawa to develop
the planning context for 2013 and 2014 and the vision for RAC over
next five years.
Over the course of the next few months we will be undertaking
regional "webinars" with Club Presidents and Field Service members,
chaired by the President and the local Regional Director. At these
meetings we will discuss our plans for 2012/2013 in more
More information will come out in The Canadian Amateur and the RAC
Report so stay tuned.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Amateur Radio Exam Revisions
Radio Amateurs of Canada has been contracted by Industry Canada to
review the questions used for Canadian amateur radio examinations.
The work began on 28 January, based in part on responses received
from the amateur community last summer, and will be delivered to
Industry Canada on 17 April. Radio Amateurs du Quebec Inc. (RAQI) is
working with RAC on the French language component. Industry Canada
will make the final decision on all revisions.
The curriculum for the qualifications (Basic and Advanced) is
not changing, so while individual questions may be changed the main
areas of knowledge required for certification will not change.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Ham-Ex 2013
The Peel and Mississauga Amateur Radio Clubs will hold the Ham-Ex
hamfest on Saturday, March 23, at the Brampton Fall Fair Grounds,
12942 Heart Lake Road in Brampton. Exhibits open 8 am, flea market
opens 9 am. Talk-in on VE3PRC 146.88(-) with no tone, and also
VE3MIS 145.43(-) with 103.5 Hz tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
4. Laval Hamfest
LAVAL HAMFEST 2013 --- (108 days from now) The Club Radio Amateur
Laval - Laurentides will hold its 2013 hamfest on Saturday, March 23,
at Georges-Vanier High School, 3995 Boulevard Levesque E. in Laval,
Quebec (just north of Montreal). General admission at 9 am; talk-in
on VE2REL repeater, 147.315(+) no tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
5. FAR Scholarship Applications Open
The Foundation for Amateur Radio is now accepting applications for
scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year. Licensed Radio Amateurs
who compete for these awards must be planning to pursue a full time
course of studies beyond high school and be enrolled, or have been
accepted for enrollment, at an accredited university, college or
technical school. Non-US residents are eligible to apply for some of
the scholarships.
Applications must be received by April 15th. For additional
information and an application form, visit www.farweb.org
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
6. "Last Man Standing" features Ham Radio
In an episode scheduled to air Friday, March 15, the hit ABC comedy
Last Man Standing -- starring Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, KA0XTT --
will feature a secondary ham radio storyline. This is the first time
that the show will highlight Amateur Radio in its plot.
In the episode, Mike's daughter Mandy uses Mike's basement shack to
make faraway friends. The home shack is a brand new set built just
for this episode. The ARRL provided many of the awards and
certificates that appear on the shack wall.
-- ARRL Web