RAC Bulletin 130427
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 27, 2013
1. CANWARN Training May 14 and 15
CANWARN training will be offered at the following locations:
Peterborough, May 14, 7 PM, at the Public Library, 345 Aylmer St.
Dufferin County, May 15, 7 PM, at the Centre Dufferin Recreational
Complex, 200 Fiddlepark Lane, in Shelburne.
Please RSVP by email to canwarn.ontario (at) ec.gc.ca with the
session you plan on attending.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
2. Weather Newsletter Needs a New Web Home
Recently the Weather Newsletter has been on the Maritime Amateur
website. However, it has been removed to streamline that site. Due
to this development, there is no place on the Internet where all the
issues published can be found.
If you can spare web space for the newsletter and some other Weather
Radio related material please email Gord VA3WXA, blindgordie (at)
-- Gord Maybee, VA3WXA
3. Canadian ARISS Contacts
On April 17, the International Space Station made an amateur radio
contact with participants at John McCrae High School, Nepean,
Ontario. The contact was completed via telebridge between OR4ISS and
On April 23, the ISS contacted participants at Gray Mountain Primary
School, Whitehorse, Yukon. The contact was completed via telebridge
with IK1SLD.
-- AMSAT News
4. Web-based Software Defined Radio
Chris Moulding G4HYG has made a web-based Software Defined Radio
available on the new RSGB website. With a web browser that supports
Java and Javascript you can listen to any frequency in the 5, 7 and
14 MHz bands from the receiver's location in Bolton, England. Find
it at tinyurl.com/rsgb-sdr
-- AMSAT News
5. 3830scores Web Site
There is a new contest score reporting service at the improved and
upgraded 3830scores.com website, managed by Bruce Horn, WA7BNM. You
can view a summary of contest activity from any call sign, including
for the operators of multi-op entries, for the past few years, and
compare activity from contest-to-contest, too. Find it at
-- ARRL Contest Update