RAC Bulletin 130504
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 4, 2013
1. RAC completes Exam Review
RAC and RAQI have completed the second and final phase of the
Industry Canada contract to review the Canadian amateur radio
examination questions. The curriculum has not changed. Rather, the
review concentrated on the accuracy and clarity of the questions and
answers, taking special care that the English and French versions
conveyed the same information. Industry Canada will make the final
decision on all changes, and will publish updated question banks.
For more details visit blog.rac.ca
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. CANWARN Training May 21 to 26
CANWARN training will be offered at the following locations:
Fort Erie, May 21, 7 PM, at the Fire Station, 444 Central Avenue.
Sudbury, May 25, 9 AM, at the Lionel E. Lalonde Centre, 239 Montee
Principale, in Azilda.
Belleville, May 25, 10 AM, at the Belleville Library, 3rd Floor
Conference Room, 254 Pinnacle Street.
Espanola, May 26, 1 PM, at the Pinewood Inn, 378 Centre St.
Elliot Lake, May 26, 7 PM, at the Renaissance Centre, 20 Veterans Way.
Please RSVP by email to canwarn.ontario (at) ec.gc.ca with the
session you plan on attending.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. XL3T Special Event
From May 24 to June 23, special event station XL3T will commemorate
the 100th Anniversary of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. QSL via
-- RAC Special Events database
4. New Amateur Satellites in Orbit
On April 19, OSSI-1 from the Open Source Satellite Initiative was
deployed. Listen for CW beacon on 145.980 MHz CW, and 1200 baud
packet on 437.525 MHz. More information at www.opensat.cc.
On April 26, CubeBug-1 and TURKSAT-3USAT were launched on a Long
March CZ-2D rocket. CubeBug-1, from Argentina, is the first
demonstration mission for a new open-source CubeSat platform design.
Listen for 1200 baud packet on 437.445 MHz, callsign LU1VZ-11.
Please send reception reports to cubebug1 (at) satellogic.com. Their
website is 1.cubebug.org (that's the digit "1", not "www").
TURKSAT-3USAT, from the Turkish Amateur Satellite Technologies
Organisation, has an inverting V/U linear transponder supporting
SSB/CW communications. The transponder input is 145.940-145.990 MHz
and the output is 435.200-435.250 MHz. On 437.225 MHz is either a CW
beacon or 9600 baud AFSK. Read more at tinyurl.com/TurkeyTAMSAT
-- AMSAT News
5. Radio Foxtrot 100
Tony Bond, EI9GMB, says he is again operating Radio Foxtrot 100, an
internet radio station that has topics related to ham radio in
addition to its music programming. Find it at www.foxtrot100.info.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline