RAC Bulletin 130518
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 18, 2013
1. RAC Planning Webinars
On May 1st, RAC held the first in a series of webinars with club
presidents and Field Organization volunteers to discuss the
activities of RAC from January 2010 to date and RAC's goals and
2013/14 plans. This first webinar was in the Atlantic region. For a
brief summary, visit the RAC Blog, blog.rac.ca
Over the next couple of months we will have webinars with each
Region. The next will be for Northern and Eastern Ontario with
Director Bill Unger, VE3XT. Invitations will be going out shortly.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Eastern Ontario ARES District meeting
DEC Lance Peterson, VA3LP has scheduled his first ARES District
meeting to be held in the City of Clarence-Rockland (just east of
Ottawa) for May 25. Lance will be inviting the leadership teams of
each ARES group within his District. He is also inviting other
interested persons to attend. Besides a discussion on the Mutual Aid
plan for ARES, there will be a focus on how ICS-213 Message
Manager/Outpost can be presented to clients as a useful Emcomm tool.
-- Michael Hickey, VE3IPC, Ontario East Section Manager
3. CANWARN Training May 27 to 31
The final 2013 CANWARN training sessions will be offered at the
following locations:
Sault Ste. Marie, May 27, 7 PM, at the Delta Sault Ste. Marie, 208
St. Mary's Drive.
Thunder Bay, June 3, 7 PM, at the McIntyre Building, Room 274,
Confederation College, 950 William St.
Atikokan, June 4, 7 PM, at the Atikokan Fire Hall, 101 Goodwin St.
Fort Frances/Emo, June 5, 7 PM, at the Emo-Lavallee Community Centre,
78 Colonization Road, Emo.
Renfrew, June 5, 6:30 PM, at the Best Western, 760 Gibbons Road.
Kenora, June 6, 7 PM, at the Fire and Emergency Services Training
Centre, 100 14th Street North.
Dryden, June 7, 7 PM, at the Dryden Fire Hall, 189 Colonization Ave
Please RSVP by email to canwarn.ontario (at) ec.gc.ca with the
session you plan on attending.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
4. Central Ontario Hamfest
On Sunday, June 2, the Guelph ARC and Kitchener-Waterloo ARC will
hold their Central Ontario Hamfest and Fleamarket, at the Waterloo
Regional Police Association Recreation Centre R.R. 2, 1199 Rife Rd.,
North Dumfries Township, near Cambridge. General admission at 9 am;
talk-in on VE3KSR 146.970 (-) with 131.8 Hz tone, and 146.520
simplex. For more information visit www.hamfest.on.ca
-- RAC Events Database
5. Bread and Honey Special Event
On June 1st and 2nd, the Mississauga Amateur Radio Club will operate
a special event station at the Streetsville Bread and Honey
Festival. Operation will be SSB on 7.300 and 14.240 MHz +/- QRM,
from 1400 to 2000 UTC both Saturday and Sunday. Send requests for QSL
cards to MARC, c/o Michael Brickell, VE3TKI, 2801 Bucklepost
Crescent, Mississauga, ON, L5N 1X6, with an SASE.
-- RAC Events Database
6. Arctic Expedition Special Events
From June 1 to July 1, two special call signs will commemorate the
100th Anniversary of the 1913-1916 Canadian Arctic Expedition.
Station CK3C will operate 10m, 20m, and 40m during the month -- find
information online at events.ve3rhe.ca/ck3c, and QSL via VE3RHE.
Station XM3A will also be active; QSL via VE3JPP. Both call signs
will be active during the Canada Day Contest.
-- RAC Special Events Database