RAC Bulletin 130511
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 11, 2013
1. RAC Radio Amateur of the Year
Scott Wood, VE1QD of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has been selected as the
Canadian Radio Amateur of the Year for 2012. Scott has been a ham for
sixty years, and his local, regional, and international leadership is
recognized with this award -- in particular, his commitment to
excellence in the area of Amateur Radio DXing through the
establishment and management of the Maritime DX Forum for eight
consecutive years.
A presentation will be made to Scott by the RAC President at the
Dayton Hamvention, and a more detailed article will appear in The
Canadian Amateur.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Brit Fader Scholarship Call for Applications
The Brit Fader Scholarship provides assistance with the cost of
tuition, room, board, books and/or other fees essential to the
post-secondary education of the recipient.
The applicant must be a Canadian Citizen, must hold a Basic Class or
higher Canadian Amateur Radio license, and must be performing at a
high academic level. Preference is given to applicants who have been
accepted into a program in the field of electronics or electrical
engineering, or related area.
Application submissions must be postmarked no later than July 12th.
An application package may be downloaded from the Halifax Amateur
Radio Club webiste, www.Halifax-arc.org.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. CANWARN Training May 27 to 31
CANWARN training will be offered at the following locations:
Sault Ste. Marie, May 27, 7 PM, at the Delta Sault Ste. Marie, 208
St. Mary's Drive.
Timmins, May 29, 7 PM, at the Holiday Inn, 30 Algonquin Blvd West.
North Bay, May 31, 6:30 PM, at the OPP Communications Centre, 877
Gormanville Road.
Please RSVP by email to canwarn.ontario (at) ec.gc.ca with the
session you plan on attending.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
4. SS Keewatin Special Event
Amateur station VA3VGC, on board the SS Keewatin, will be active for
the Museum Ships Weekend Event (MSWE), June 1 and 2. Operation will be
from 8 am to 6 pm Eastern Time. Frequencies are listed on the event
web page, www.nj2bb.org/museum.
After decades in Michigan as a tourist attraction, the "Kee" returned
to its home port in Port McNicoll last year. Local hams are helping
to restore the original radio room, and will install a permanent
amateur station during this season. For more information about the
station visit tinyurl.com/keewatin; for ship information visit
-- Dave Krull, VA3DK
5. Canadian ARISS Contacts
On March 26, The Laval Laurentides A.R.C. under the call VE2CRL made
their second International Space Station (ISS) contact. Station
commander Chris Hadfield spoke with students at Des Cardinaux School,
Sainte-Rose, Laval, Quebec, via telebridge between NA1SS and K6DUE.
The contact lasted about 10 minutes 30 seconds.
On April 25, the ISS contacted participants at Maani Ulujuk
Ilinniarvik, Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, via telebridge between OR4ISS and
IK1SLD. The contact lasted approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds.
On April 29, the ISS contacted Polyvalente de Black Lake, Thetford
Mines, Quebec. The 9 minute contact was direct between NA1SS and
VA2VDL, and was audible over portions of eastern Canada.
On May 3, the ISS conacted participants at Hay River, NWT, via
telebridge between NA1SS and VK4KHZ. The contact lasted 9 minutes
and 30 seconds.
-- AMSAT News