RAC Bulletin 130907
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 7, 2013 NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 1. Ontario South "Town Hall" Meetings The Ontario-South Section Manager will hold two "town hall" meetings in conjunction with the Hamilton ARC Hamfest on October 5. The first will be for ARES/EMCOMM leaders, and will focus on team building within Ontario South. RAC Chief Field Services Officer Doug Mercer, VO1DM will be present. The second will be open to all Amateurs but especially club executive officers. This meeting will provide a relaxed forum where club officers can provide guidance on improving the relationship between clubs and section management. RAC President Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW will be in attendance Club executives are encouraged to read RAC "Briefing Note 4", a PDF file at tinyurl.com/kbrvmgp (Kilo Bravo Romeo Victor Mike Golf Papa), particularly the Section Manager administrative functions shown on page 4. Advance comments may be sent to va3qt (at) rac.ca prior to the meeting. -- Ian Snow, VA3QT, Ontario South SM 2. TPN Seeks SET Net Controllers The TransProvincial Net (TPN) is looking for volunteers to serve as net control stations for the National Simulated Emergency Test on October 19, and the Ontario SET on October 26. Net control operators are also needed for regular shifts on all days of the week. TPN meets daily on 7.055 MHz, lower sideband, from 7 am to 5 pm Eastern Time. If you can help by taking a shift, please contact Shawn VE3PSV, on the TPN, or via NTS message. -- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. London Swapmeet The London Amateur Radio Club will hold its 36th Annual Flea Market on Sunday, September 22, in a new location: the Hellenic Community Centre, 133 Southdale Rd. W., in London. General admission at 9 am. Talk-in on VA3LON repeater, 147.060, 114.8 Hz tone. For more information visit www.larc.ca. -- RAC Events Database 4. Radio Talk 2013 Special Event On September 21st, special event station VE2013RT will operate in conjunction with the Radio Talk 2013 event in Montreal. QSL via VE2DDZ. Radio Talk 2013 is not a hamfest. It is an educational event with presentations, displays, and demonstrations. It will be held at St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish 4455 West Broadway Montreal. For more information, visit their web page, radiotalk2012.wordpress.com -- RAC Special Events Database 5. Say Hi to Juno On October 9, NASA's Juno spacecraft will fly past Earth for gravity boost, putting it on course for Jupiter. To celebrate, the Juno mission is inviting Amateur Radio operators around the world to say "HI" to Juno in a coordinated Morse code message. If enough operators participate, Juno's "Waves" radio and plasma wave experiment should be able to detect the message. All transmissions will take place on 10 meters, with the precise (suggested) frequency determined by the last letter of your call sign. Participants can receive a QSL card. For more information visit www.jpl.nasa.gov/hijuno -- ARRL Web 6. Collins Radio Anniversary Special Event Four club stations will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Collins Radio Company. Stations W0CXX and N0CXX Cedar Rapids, Iowa; W5ROK Richardson, Texas; W4CRC Melbourne, Florida and W6CXX Tustin, California will be on the air September 21-23 and September 28-30. Operation is from 9 AM to midnight local time for each station based on operator availability. A special QSL card and commemorative certificate are available. For more information visit www.w0cxx.org. -- Amateur Radio Newsline