RAC Bulletin 131005
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 5, 2013 NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS
1. Loyalist ARES DEC stepping down. The Loyalist ARES DEC has stepped down as of September 30th. George Williams, VE3SIQ has tendered his letter of resignation after one year into his term. This was due to changes in his personal life and could no longer perform his duties. We thank George for the time he was able to give and wish him well.
Michael Hickey, VE3IPC - Ontario East Section Manager
2. OPN Frequency Change As of October 1st, the Ontario Phone Net has moved back to 80 metres. The traffic net now meets on 3.745 MHz, at 7 pm Eastern Time, 7 days a week. All stations are welcome to check in. -- Pat Dopson, VE3HZQ, OPN Net Manager ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. Montreal South Shore Hamfest The Montreal South-Shore Amateur Radio Club will hold its hamfest on Saturday, October 19, at the Place Desaulniers, 1023 Taschereau Blvd., Longueuil (10 minutes from downtown Montreal). General admission at 9 am; talk-in on VE2RSM repeater, 145.390 (-) tone 103.5 Hz. For more information visit www.ve2clm.ca. -- RAC Events Database 4. Voice of Russia Going QRT The Russian news service RIA Novosti reports that the Voice of Russia will stop its shortwave broadcasts on January 1st, 2014, due to funding cuts. The Voice of Russia was established in 1929; as of next year, it will have only three low-power medium-wave transmitters and an Internet radio presence. -- Amateur Radio Newsline and RIA Novosti 5. DXLog DXLog is a free contest logging program being developed by Chris, 9A5K. DXLog resembles Win-Test, and supports the CT command set. Over 160 contests are supported, and new contests can be defined with rule sets in plain text files. DXLog supports CW, phone, and MMTTY for RTTY operation. It requires Windows XP or a later version of Windows, and Microsoft.NET Framework version 4.0. Download it at www.dxlog.net. -- ARRL Contest Update