RAC Bulletin 130928
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 28, 2013 NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 1. New EC for Renfrew County East As of September 27, Debra Anne Bee, VE3IEH is the ARES Emergency Coordinator for Renfrew County East. Debra is the new President of the Champlain Regional RPT Association, a CANWARN spotter for three years, has her Basic, Morse, and Advanced privileges, and has leadership and management experience. Congratulations go to Debra for accepting this important position. Please help me welcome her aboard. Her predecessor, Ron Sinclair, VE3JRN, has been EC of Renfrew County East since December 2011. Ron is stepping down primarily due to health reasons. We thank Ron for the time he served and wish him well in all his future endeavors. -- Michael Hickey VE3IPC, Ontario East Section Manager. ITEMS OF INTEREST 2. Nominations open for International Humanitarian Award Nominations are now open for the 2013 ARRL International Humanitarian Award, conferred upon an amateur or amateurs who demonstrate devotion to human welfare, peace and international understanding through Amateur Radio. Nominations should include a summary of the nominee's actions that qualify the individual (or individuals) for this award, plus verifying statements from at least two people having first-hand knowledge of the events warranting the nomination. All nominations and supporting materials must be submitted in writing in English to ARRL International Humanitarian Award, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111 USA, no later than December 31, 2013. For details see www.arrl.org/international-humanitarian-award -- Southgate ARC News 3. Jamboree On The Air, October 19-20 Scouting's 56th Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is the weekend of October 19-20, from 0000 local time Saturday to 2400 local time Sunday. JOTA provides an opportunity for Boy Scouts to experience Amateur Radio firsthand. It is the largest Scouting event in the world, with nearly 750,000 Scouts participating from 6000 stations in 150 countries. JOTA is not a contest. The idea is to contact other Scout stations and allow as many Scouts as possible to talk to other Scouts and learn about who they are and what they are doing. Licensed amateurs often open their stations to Scouts on JOTA weekend, serving as control operators. Operation will be on 80 through 6 meters and 2 meters and 70 centimeters FM simplex, all modes. For more information visit www.arrl.org/jamboree-on-the-air-jota -- ARRL Web 4. ConSat-1 CubeSat The Canadian ConSat-1 CubeSat is one of the educational CubeSats chosen for Phase 1 of the "Fly Your Satellite!" initiative. It aims to analyze radiation characteristics in the South-Atlantic Anomaly, a plasma cloud 200 km from the Earth's surface, located above the east coast of South America. It appears to be constantly growing in size and a NASA report speculates that by 2240 it might cover approximately half the southern hemisphere. A launch date has not yet been announced. For updates, visit www.spaceconcordia.ca -- AMSAT News 5. QScope Log Statistics QScope.org is a new online application that provides statistics and charts from amateur radio logs. While some features are designed with contesting in mind, most of the statistics will be useful for DXers and DXpeditions. You just import your ADIF 2 or Cabrillo logs into QScope database and then browse the statistic and charts pages. Registration and access to the website are free at www.qscope.org -- Amateur Radio Newsline