RAC Bulletin 131019
Primary tabs

RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 19, 2013
1. York Region Hamfest
The York Region Amateur Radio Club will hold its 37th Annual Hamfest
on Saturday, November 2, at a new location: the Newmarket Community
Centre, 200 Doug Duncan Drive, in Newmarket. General admission at 9
a.m.; talk-in on VE3YRA repeater, 145.350 (-) 103.5 Hz tone. For
more information visit www.yrarc.org.
-- RAC Events Database
2. Special Prefixes Authorized
From November 5 to December 5, special prefixes have been authorized
for all Canadian amateurs to commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the
Royal Proclamation of 1763, which laid the foundation for the
relationship between First Nations people and the Crown. Use VG for
VA, VX for VE, XJ for VO, XK for VY.
-- RAC Special Events Database
3. IARU Emergency Communications Workshop
The first IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Workshop was held
September 24-25 in Cancun, Mexico in conjunction with the IARU Region
2 General Assembly. Sponsored by IARU Region 2 and the ARRL, it
explored international issues facing Amateur Radio's response to
emergencies and disasters. For more information visit
-- ARRL ARES E-Letter
4. Solarham Web Site
VE3EN has created a "space weather" web site specifically for
amateur radio operators, with all the latest solar statistics. Find
it at www.solarham.net.
-- ARRL Contest Update