RAC Bulletin 131026
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 26, 2013
1. New RAC Director for Ontario South
Congratulations are extended to Mr. Rod Hardman, VE3RHF who was
recently acclaimed as the RAC Director for Ontario South. His term
as Director will be for the two years starting January 1, 2014 and
ending December 31, 2015.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. RAC Member Recognition Program
In an effort to properly recognize our valued volunteers, a committee
has been named to manage the RAC Member Recognition Program (MRP).
Two awards are available.
Any full member of RAC is eligible to nominate a fellow member for an
"Individual Award." All you need is to provide a short essay on why
you think that your candidate is deserving. Also, an "Extraordinary
Award" is available for an individual or group that has gone above
and beyond the call of duty.
Send nominations to any one of the MRP committee members:
Jeffrey Stewart, VA3WXM, va3wxm (at) sympatico.ca
Doug Mercer, VO1DM, vo1dtm (at) rac.ca
Normand Pitre, VE2NHK, ve2nhk (at) rac.ca
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. JOTA on the Keewatin
On Saturday Oct. 19th, the SS Keewatin Radio Operators opened the
doors to the historic ship, and the ham radio station on board, to
welcome Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and their leaders for the
2013 Jamboree-on-the-Air.
Using the original call sign from her historic years on the Great
Lakes, VA3VGC operated 0900 to 1700 local time from Port McNicoll,
Ontario. 150 youths from the region were in attendance supported by
the Keewatin crew and their own leaders. Everyone is looking forward
to next year!
-- via Micheal Moreau, VE3LKI
4. Small Wonder Labs closes
Small Wonder Labs, a stalwart in the QRP arena since the mid-1990s,
announced October 10 that it is closing. New sales have been
discontinued, and the last several dozen orders are in the process of
being shipped. Founder Dave Benson, K1SWL, says he is coordinating
with another QRP vendor to have him assume production and sales of
the RockMite.
-- ARRL Web
5. New Release of Audacity
Audacity is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording
and editing sounds. Version 2.0.5 is now available, for Windows,
Mac, and Linux. Download it at audacity.sourceforge.net.
-- Handi-Ham News