RAC Bulletin 131102
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 2, 2013
1. Special Event CJ3T
From October 26 to November 24, special call sign CJ3T has been
authorized to commemorate the 300th Anniversary of Louisbourg
(1713-2013). QSL via VA3RVK.
-- RAC Special Events Database
2. New IARU Region 2 Band Plan
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 (the Americas) has
published a revised Band Plan for all allocations from 137 kHz to
250 GHz, effective September 27, 2013. The plan was adopted during
the recent General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico. Download the plan, in
PDF, at tinyurl.com/iaru2-bands
-- ARRL Web
3. Free E-Book on Image Communications
Martin Bruchanov, OK2MNM, has written a Free e-book for hams and
SWL's interested in special communication modes for image
transmission and reception. This includes such modes as SSTV,
Digital SSTV and radio facsimile to name only a few. You can
download the entire book or view on line at www.sstv-handbook.com
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
4. More on Station Grounding
Before winter sets in, you may be working on your antennas. Tom W8JI
has provided a web page on lightning protection with a number of
helpful photos that may help you design your own station. See it at
-- ARRL Contest Update