RAC Bulletin 131130
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 30, 2013
1. RAC Affiliated Clubs Deadline Approaching
All current RAC club affiliations expire 31 Dec 2013, and clubs
failing to renew by that date will be removed from the affiliated
clubs list on the RAC Web Site. Affiliation applications must be sent
to the address found on the application form NOT to RAC
Headquarters. Forms can be found at tinyurl.com/m6rflvq (Mike Six
Romeo Foxtrot Lima Victor Quebec).
For clubs participating in the "Club Challenge," the top three clubs
in each category will receive special recognition by RAC in the TCA
magazine and on the RAC web site and will be able to download a
certificate recognizing the club's achievement. For more information
about the Challenge, visit the RAC Blog, blog.rac.ca
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. RAC Officers Elected
At its regular monthly meeting, the Board of Directors representing
the Radio Amateurs of Canada elected the following officers for a
two year term beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2015:
Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW - President
Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA - First Vice President
Paul Burggraaf, VO1PRB - Chief Information and Technology Officer
George Gorsline, VE3YV - International Affairs Officer
Doug Mercer, VO1DTM/VO1DM - Chief Field Services Officer
Marcel Mongeon, VA3DDD - Honorary Counsel
Dorothy E. Brown, VA7DBR - Treasurer
Al Masse, VE3CWP - Corporate Secretary
-- Al Masse, VE3CWP, RAC Corporate Secretary
3. Hall of Fame Appointments
The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame is
pleased to appoint Ken Pulfer VE3PU of Ottawa, ON and Earle Smith
VE6NM of Grande Prairie, AB to the Hall of Fame for 2013. Both
appointees are Silent Keys; their families will receive this
posthumous award in early 2014. A summary of their contributions to
amateur radio will be published in "The Canadian Amateur" magazine.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. Weekly Solar Forecast
Every Monday, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center issues a free
weekly report, "The Preliminary Report and Forecast of Solar
Geophysical Data", called "The Weekly" for short. It summarizes a
week of space weather activity and provides outlooks for solar and
geophysical activity for the next solar rotation -- 27 days. Find it
at www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly
-- ARRL Contest Update