RAC Bulletin 131214
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for December 14, 2013
1. Canada Winter Contest
The RAC Canada Winter Contest will take place from 0000 to 2359 UTC
on December 28. Operate CW and phone on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6
and 2 metres. Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or
territory; VEØs and stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial
number. For complete rules and information see
-- RAC Web Page
2. RAC letter regarding Medical Devices in 70 cm band
In the Sept/Oct 2013 issue of TCA there was an article entitled:
"Industry Canada Releases a Radio Standard Specification (RSS) for
Medical Devices Operating in the Band 413-457 MHz". In the article,
we mentioned RAC would be responding to IC with a letter of comment.
This letter is now posted for public viewing on the Industry Canada
web site at tinyurl.com/rac70med We encourage members to read it.
-- Norm Rashleigh, VE3LC, RAC Representative the Radio Advisory Board
of Canada
3. Straight Key Night on OSCAR 2014
This year's AMSAT Straight Key Night on OSCAR is being held in memory
of Robert Morris W2LV. All radio amateurs throughout the world are
invited to participate. Simply operate CW through any amateur
satellite from 0001 through 2400 UTC on 1 January 2014, using a
manual, non-electronic key. Note that "bugs" are allowed now.
There is no need to send in a log, but please nominate someone you
worked for Best Fist. Your nominee need not have the best fist of
those you heard, just of those you worked. Send your nomination to
w2rs (at) amsat.org.
-- AMSAT News
4. ARISS Contact
On November 20, a successful Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station contact was made between Salisbury Middle Schools in
Salisbury, New Brunswick, and Astronaut Michael S. Hopkins KF5LJG,
using callsign NA1SS. The contact was telebridged via W6SRJ and
lasted about nine and a half minutes. The ARISS Mentor was VE1WPH.
-- AMSAT News
5. Winlink 2000 Video Presentation
Al Nollmeyer W3YVQ's presentation on using radio-email via Winlink
2000 (WL2K) is now on YouTube, at tinyurl.com/w3yvq-speech. It
describes the use of WL2K as a common interoperable messaging layer
for ARES and NTS leadership and personnel.
This presentation is intended for ARES and NTS leadership, and anyone
else interested in effective public service communications. You are
welcome to share this with your ARES and NTS members provided that it
is not used for any commercial use. The copyright is retained by Al
W3YVQ and the ARRL NTS Winlink Committee.
-- Dave Struebel WB2FTX, via Glenn Killam VE3GNA