RAC Bulletin 131207
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for December 7, 2013
1. Maple Leaf Operator Members Newsletter
Beginning in Decembrer, RAC will launch a new electronic newsletter
for its Maple Leaf Operator Membership. This newsletter will be
issued six times per year, in between TCA issues. This is a new
benefit of belonging to the MLOM.
One feature will be MLOM Member's Corner, to share anything deemed
"newsworthy" -- ham related personal story, electronic tidbit, DX
success story, station photos, Silent Key tribute, etc. Any MLOM may
send submissions. The deadlines are the 15th of November, January,
March, May and July and September. For this month, submissions
can be sent in up to December 15th. Member submissions will be
subject to approval prior to publishing.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. VX9MRC Special Event
The Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland VX9MRC has been endorsed to
conduct transmissions on 472-479 kHz by Industry Canada for 14 and
15 December to bring attention to the potential new Amateur band and
to the role played by Amateur Radio in emergency communications.
A special message from the mayor will be sent on CW on 478 kHz as a
beacon transmission on these days, said Joe Craig, VO1NA. Those
receiving the message are invited to forward it to their respective
municipal representative.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Canadian National Institute for the Blind
The CNIB has recently confirmed to us that they still have amateur
radio study guide/resources available in various formats for those
who are blind or vision impaired. If you wish to avail yourself of
these services, please contact RAC and we will assist you in
contacting CNIB.
-- Vincent Charron, VA3GX/VE2HHH, RAC Director of Communications and
4. Help Wanted: Two ARES District Coordinators
Ontario East Section is looking for two amateurs to serve as ARES
District Emergency Coordinators. The first is for Loyalist District,
which includes a strong ARES group in Frontenac County and two other
groups. Their previous DEC has stepped down.
The second is for Severn District, which includes the strong ARES
group in Peterborough. Severn has not had a DEC for several years,
and effort is needed to cultivate new ARES groups.
As a District Coordinator you will receive my full support,
assistance, and ARES guidance. Interested hams with ARES leadership
experience please email me at VE3IPC (at) rac.ca or telephone
-- Michael Hickey, VE3IPC, Ontario East Section Manager
5. GLETN Time Change
Effective immediately, the Great Lakes Emergency and Traffic Net will
meet 15 minutes earlier than its usual start time. The pre-net will
convene at 7:45 pm and the main net at 8:15 pm, Eastern time. This
is due to band conditions, and will continue until further notice.
GLETN meets 7 days a week on 3.932 MHz. All are welcome.
-- Jack Wiswasser WA8IAL, via Shawn VE3PSV