RAC Bulletin 2009-09-12
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for September 12, 2009
1. Help Requested - ACORN Net
The Army Cadet League of Ontario is investigating the establishment
of a Royal Canadian Army Cadet radio network based on Amateur Radio
technology. Dubbed 'ACORN', for 'Army Cadet Ontario Radio Network',
the aim is to support optional training and certification of Army
Cadets as licenced Amateur Radio operators throughout Ontario.
Possible pilot sites for this initiative include Dryden, Thunder Bay,
Timmins, North Bay, Stratford or London, Oakville, Cobourg, 709
Communications Unit at Fort York in Toronto and 2332 Communications
Unit in Ottawa.
Radio Amateurs of Canada has been asked to facilitate this project by
identifying Radio Amateurs who live in the pilot areas and have the
interest, time and qualifications to mentor and provide instruction
to young would-be hams, as well as to assist in setting up and
managing Amateur Radio stations. Any interested Radio Amateur
residing in a pilot area is asked to contact Rod Hardman, VE3RHF,
email address rod.hardman (at) gmail.com. Military experience would
be helpful but is not a requirement.
-- Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, RAC President
2. Decision Expected Soon on Bill 118
A decision by Ontario's Ministry of Transportation in regards to
exemptions to Bill 118 (the Bill to limit cell phone use by drivers
in moving vehicles) is expected to be announced at any time.
All Ontario Radio Amateurs who are concerned about the possibility
that Bill 118 might curtail the operation of two-way radio equipment
while driving a vehicle in Ontario are encouraged to contact their
local MPP and Transport Minister Jim Bradley. For the latest
information on Bill 118 please visit the RAC Blog site at
-- Peter West VE3HG, RAC VP Public Relations
3. VE3HCB Silent Key
Timothy Smith, VE3HCB, EC for Cornwall ARES group since 2004, passed
away at the age of 61 at his home in Cornwall on September 3. He was
a retired Electronics Communications Instructor with Nav Canada;
Chairman of CRAG, and President of the Saint-Lawrence Valley Amateur
Radio Club.
I know that Tim Smith will be greatly missed by the ARES in Cornwall,
and his presence will be missed at our future ARES District
-- Michael Hickey, VE3IPC, Seaway/Capital ARES District EC
4. Win A Free DXpedition For A Young Ham
The 6Y1V contest team is sponsoring one young ham operator (age 21 or
under) to join our team and receive an all expense paid trip to
operate in the 2009 CQWW SSB or CW contest.
To qualify, you must send an email to contest (at) 6y1v.com,
containing an essay of 500 words or more, in English, describing how
you got started in ham radio, who guided you through the process, and
tell us why you should be selected for this DX/contest opportunity at
6Y1V. Please include your full name, call sign and home address. We
are looking for a young ham, with some DX/contest experience. You
can reside in any country in the world provided you hold a valid
amateur radio license in your country.
Applications will be accepted until September 30, 2009. For more
information see www.6y1v.com/youth.htm
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
5. Ontario VHF Association meeting
The Ontario VHF Association will hold its annual meeting on
Saturday, September 26, in the Seventh Semester Room (downstairs
KB135) at Humber College (North Campus), 250 Humber College Blvd., in
Etobicoke. Talk-in on 146.52 simplex. There will be guest speakers, a
"show and tell," and a mini-flea market. For more information visit
tinyurl.com/mmmnr3 (Mike Mike Mike November Romeo Three)
-- RAC Events Database
6. London Flea Market
The London Amateur Radio Club will hold its 32nd annual flea market
on Sunday, September 27, at the Western Fair Grounds, Special Events
Building, located at 900 Kings Street, in London. Open to the public
at 9 a.m.; talk-in on VA3LON repeater, 147.060 (+), 114.8 Hz tone.
For more information visit www.larc.ca.
-- RAC Events Database